Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee thinks Republicans - TopicsExpress


Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee thinks Republicans ought not pursue impeachment of President Obama. Why? Because, she explained on the floor of the United States Congress yesterday, Democrats never tried to impeach President Bush. Except...they did. In 2008. In a bill co-sponored by...Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. As we all know, Republicans can say things no less stupid. So, people, please someone remind me why so many among us have such deep trust and confidence in people who are elected to or employed by government? I will readily grant that there are nincompoops in the business world. Sure. But when people do stupid things in a business, the business goes bust and goes away. When people in government do stupid things, they get more funding and larger staffs while our taxes go up. More: no one in a business has the legal authority to point a gun at your head and take away your stuff or put you in jail. Sheila Jackson Lee and the many government agents who work under and around her have all that power, and more. Every law passed by Ms. Lee and her colleagues is, ultimately, enforced with the barrel of a gun against which it is illegal to resist. So how is it we are supposed to feel sophisticated or progressive or modern or high brow trusting all legalized lethal power to people whose ignorance is exceeded only by their hubris? Im trying hard to think and feel like a progressive, but I just cannot get into the mindset of being a sheep. I know there are folks eager to follow shepherds, secular and otherwise. Im just not one of them.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:26:33 +0000

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