Depopulation of the Masses Has Begun The Common Sense Show Henry - TopicsExpress


Depopulation of the Masses Has Begun The Common Sense Show Henry thinks you are the third world. We are all members of the third world in the eyes of the elite. Not a day goes by when we are not reminded that we are nothing but “useless eaters” who have been given the temporary right to exist on this planet by the generous elite. However, our continued existence is predicated on the notion that we have no rights, and as such, we should have no expectations. Through the tenets of Agenda 21, we are constantly reminded that we have no right to the resources on this planet. The elite own the water, the food and all other material assets. Enslaving Humanity, One Sheep At a Time Never before in the history of mankind, has a people, such as the citizens of the United States, enjoyed such political freedoms, resulting in self-determination over their lives as well as having enjoyed the affluence of the most prosperous middle class in human history. This experiment in American self-governance and resulting freedom, is nearly over. Both your perceived assets and even your life belongs to the minions representing the elite on this planet, for as we transition from an industrial based economy to a post industrial society, most of us will no longer needed because the size of the labor class will dramatically shrink. Now, we know the meaning of Kissinger’s proclamation that we are nothing but a bunch of useless eaters. It should be abundantly clear that when several officials and prominent people on this planet state that the planet would be better off if the human population was reduced from 7 billion to 500 million, that they really mean it. Do you think that they are really kidding when the elite make such statements? It Is the Same Everywhere Everywhere on this planet, the elite are asserting their authority over the “useless eaters” who occupy space and consume “their” resources on this planet. The bulk of humanity are kept in metaphorical zoo-like cages on the planet and exist for the mere entertainment of the elite. Literally, nothing belongs to the common people. The elite own the food, the water and all the shelter on this planet. In every country it is the same. The elite, by hook or crook, appoint their minions to government positions. The government subsequently creates the conditions whereby the whims of the elite are enforced, thus, enslaving the people. The elite’s strategies slightly differ depending on the local politics. In China, in order to enforce Agenda 21 dictates of moving the masses from rural to the stack and pack ghost cities, the whim of the elite is brutally enforced at the end of the barrel of a gun. In Uganda, when villages are needed in order to plant trees in carbon offset programs, the Uganda military simply burns down the villages and declares the inhabitants to be mere trespassers. And in America, when the elite wants what you own, there is a pretense of going through the constitutionally based courts under the guise of pseudo justice. However, the result is still the same, the Constitution is not followed and you lose. America, there is an important question to consider. If we are so free, as we are constantly reminded that we are by the mainstream media, then why are we spied upon without provocation or cause? And if we are so free, then why is our ability to raise objections to the manner in which we are governed being systematically eliminated? The Global Awakening Must Be Crushed Zbigniew Brzezinski likes to keep his hand on the pulse of humanity. In the middle part of the last decade he warned his elite colleagues that Americans were beginning to wake up the elite’s agenda and that they must proceed with all due haste. Most recently, Brzezinski warned of a global awakening that was very dangerous to their agenda. It is abundantly clear that the elite fear humanity’s sheer numbers and they know that the mainstream media is losing its control over humanity as the ratings of such MSM mainstays such as CNN are in the proverbial toilet. The blinders placed upon humanity by the MSM are slowly, but surely coming off. If the elite want to maintain control, they must act quickly, according to Brzezinski. The Pattern of Genocide The numbers of humanity are a threat to the ruling elite and these numbers must be radically reduced, and reduced quickly. The pattern leading to genocide, throughout history, is remarkably consistent. In each case, the government attempts to stop the communications between dissident forces which could evolve into an opposition force which would oppose the unfolding tyranny. We are witnessing just such a movement as the government has repeatedly tried to close down the free expression on the internet. Jay Rockefeller (D WVA) has attached a cyber-security amendment to the NDAA 2014 bill in Congress to mandate that precautions be taken to protect America’s cyber infrastructure and private entities. Those of us who represent private entities, will soon find our free access to the internet eliminated. The fact that this internet control bill is attached to the NDAA is no accident because this means that dissidents, posting anti-government rhetoric on the internet, can be snatched off the street and held indefinitely for their “terrorist” views. There is a second and equally disturbing development in that the government has declared that the people of this country do not have the right to challenge the government on its unconstitutional actions. This is a position which fully exposes the fact that America is no longer a democratic republic, but rather a dictatorship which serves the elite. At issue is the ACLU’s right to sue the NSA for the unconstitutional and unwarranted intrusions into the private lives of all Americans by spying on their every communication and their web-surfing habits. This position, taken by the government, validates my earlier point that we have no rights and are living under a dictatorship. The Most Important Question of All There is even a more important question. Why does this government feel that it needs to spy upon all the people? Billions if not trillions of dollars are being spent to this end. Why? We should all be concerned that the police state practice of gathering private information on its citizens represents a practice that has never failed to result in genocide against at least a segment of its population. Therefore, if we use history as the judge of the NSA’s actions, we should all be hiding under the bed. Although, as an aside, I think it would be appropriate to imitate the anti-gun crowd in Colorado who stalk and harass the activists who are trying to recall politicians who are attempting to seize the guns of law abiding citizens. The police have told the Colorado activists that these stalking behaviors are acceptable. Therefore, I would propose that we make the NSA feel the same heat. Perhaps residents in the area of an NSA facility should subject the NSA officials to the same level of harassment as are the activists in Colorado.The NSA harasses citizens, American citizens act in kind. On a more serious level, we need to all ask where this is leading. We should all consider the fact that there is a certainty that the information being gathered by the NSA will be used against “undesirable” Americans. This is a civilized description for genocide. Does this allegation have any further substantiation than merely using the lesson of history? A cursory examination of the statements of the global elite, both past and present would indicate that we should all be a little more than concerned. Voices of Depopulation I have come to believe that a great culling is in our future. Before you dismiss this statement as the words of a lunatic, maybe we should see if there is any corroborating evidence from people in positions of authority, both past and present. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, enthusiastically promoted the Thomas Malthus’ philosophy as she stated, “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Perhaps these were merely the musings of two twisted individuals which do not represent any type of central philosophical belief. Unfortunately the theories of Malthus, Sanger and other population control advocates did not die with them. As I discovered, this is a reoccurring theme contained within the personal words of several dozen global leaders. “Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind”. Theodore Roosevelt youtube/watch?v=Zt1Bkyi3Hfo
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 17:06:26 +0000

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