Detox Project with The Priestess- Day 3- Physical Space Detoxing - TopicsExpress


Detox Project with The Priestess- Day 3- Physical Space Detoxing Tasher: Sometimes when I am in a funk and I know I need to clean, I remind myself that I need to be careful of cleaning my home while in a “bad mood”. In the Disney version of Snow White, the seven dwarfs sang “Whistle While You Work.” Even Snow White, while cleaning the Dwarfs’ home, was singing. She was singing and cleaning with a smile and attracted the help of harmless forest animals. She left behind loving energy all throughout the home. We should find the same joy in cleaning our spaces. I find the best way to clean my space is by cutting on music and dance while I am cleaning. Daft Punk’s “Get Funky” is currently my go to song. So if you know you are about to clean, check your energy. We can choose what we want to leave behind and attract into our spaces. Not only would you find joy in having a clean house but knowing you left some positive good energy while doing it! ~ Tashèr-Priestess Aerika: I drive quite often during the day. I consider my car one of my sacred physical spaces, so releasing stagnant energy is an absolute must. It is important to constantly minimize clutter in my vehicle by removing paper, wrappers, cups, and by vacuuming the floors and the seats once a week and using fragrance to raise the vibration. Opening the door to my vehicle needs to be just as invigorating as opening the door to my home. ~Aerika-Priestess Chastitie: Bagua Boogie Ms. Blue is BIG on Feng Shui and keeping ones physical space clear, and the energy flowing. One thing that I have found to be especially helpful is the clearing of drawers. Ms. Blue has brought it to my attention that messy, stuffed drawers are a sign of a disoriented, crowded mind. Thus, clean out your drawers and organize them! This is going to shift the energy in your thoughts and bring to the forefront that you can release some of the thinking that is no longer to beneficial to you. I used to have drawers that were BUSTING APART, smh. I organized my drawers and really saw my thinking clear. I do this often w allb the drawers in my home AND at work. Then there is the Bagua Boogie. This is a tool Ms. Blue introduced me to. I use the Bagua map everywhere! You can easily Google one. I take the map and organize my office space, my bedroom, my kitchen, everything. But, you can pick one area in your home, or work, or both and do the Bagua Boogie. Rearrange things according to the map and see the magic begin. ~Chasitie-Priestess Tcherari Khema: Physical Space Detox Day Refraining from Social Networking: these are things I do in lieu of Social Networking • Studying my tarot cards • Reading my current book (Shamans, Healers and Medicine Men by Holger Kalweit) • Creating Rituals • Writing Poetry • Journalizing • Writing words of Inspiration • Coloring in my Jumbo coloring book • Building with my buddy When I refrain from social networking it stimulates my mind and I am more in tune with my spirit and revelations a lot of times are spoken to and revealed to me. I find myself in tranquility with all of the things I participate in that day. ~Tcherari Khema -Priestess Ester R: When it comes to detoxing, we tend to think of our physical bodies only. While it is extremely important to detox within, we also most remind ourselves to not neglect our homes, the items within our homes, as well as our presence on the world wide web. This exercise is intended for gods and goddesses on the go. How many times do you power off every electronic device in your home? Not due to needing to restart, but just to be in silence. On this 3rd day of our detox, take 15 minutes to detox your electronics in your home. Turn everything completely off- your tv, your cell phone, your pc, your tablet—everything that is plugged in as an outlet to the external world. Unplug it completely. Once you unplug everything, sit in the stillness of your home. Have you ever experienced total silence within your sacred space? In these 15 minutes take time to release the energy that is stored in your electronic devices by visualizing a vacuum like vortex that will suck all of the stored energy out of these devices. Once you have finished clearing all of the energy out, walk through your house and touch each electronic device and speak words of life and encouragement into them These can be intentional statements or things such as : This device will continue to assist me in my day-to-day work; This device will provide relaxation and fun for me and my family. You can be as creative as you like! Once you power these items back on you will notice a new “charge of energy” present with them—they are now charged with your intentions! As a second exercise, how many times do you detox your online presence? Do you completely log out of facebook, twitter, Instagram? The next time you do your 15 minute on the go detox think about detoxing your online presence as well. Take every electronic device – computer, tablet, cell phone, etc anything that connects to the web, and physically log out of all social networks. This helps to cut the cord of your energy that is connected to these 24 hour energy portals. Remember, the internet never cuts off! If you never have detoxed or released your energy from these websites, think of how much energy you have stored there! For this exercise, start by spending at least 1-3 days offline (pick days where you will not have conflicts with work duties or other things that require online access). During your time offline begin to write a journal of everything that you use these websites for. Be completely honest! How do you feel when you are online? What do you go online for? What do you spend the majority of your time doing on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram? Once you have a completed list, review what you wrote---how many of those items are healthy for you? How many raise your energy? How many lower your energy? Next write a list of purpose statements for your use of online websites. What do you think you should be doing online? What are the things that raise your energy? What are the things that you like to do online that promote healthy thoughts and behavior? When you are ready to get back online you will now have a list that will help to guide you in your use of these online sites. By detoxing your “physical presence” online and creating a purpose list to direct your activities, you will now come back with a more intentional method of utilizing these social sites. Detoxing the space around you is just as important as detoxing the space within. As we know, chaos in any of our outer world reflects chaos within. Release, refresh, and reboot your electrical physical spaces. Unplugging has been more than beneficial for me, because of my multiple jobs I am literally linked in 24 hours a day. In the priesetesshood, Ms. Blue has stressed to us the importance of unplugging and recharging yourself and everything around you. I used to do these exercises every once and awhile but now they have become regular practices for me. Doing the social networking detox is a mandatory practice for me. It is so easy to get caught into the “web” of these websites and feel the need to update and be online 24hours a day. Refreshing your presence on these sites and operating with purpose is beneficial not only for you in the long run, but also for those that you interact with. After completing your purpose statements you will notice how much easier it is to be online, how less pressure you have to get involved in meaningless activities. Reboot, refresh, and recharge during this detox week. ~Ester R.-Priestess Kalimar: Hey, Thiz Iz KALImar again...Styll Bringing You Energy To Help You Ride The Cosmik Waves Into Your OWN REALity!!!...We Create Our Own Personal InTerconnecting World!!!!...How (MY) Thoughts Are..Iz how (MY) Energy Will Bee....How (My) Energy Iz....Iz How (My) Thoughts Are!!!.....KALImar 1. Its Important to Set up Your Personal Space..Both at Work & Home...1-2 of yur Fav Gemstones that Cosmikally Vibe with U in Keeping away Energy Not Working for You at thiz Moment....Sometimes A Stone Iz All You Need especially at Work... (Ms Blue also Said thiz)... Make sure You anoint Your Gemstones Oils that Bring in Your Hearts Desires..Whatever Anointing Oils You have in Your Home or Sacred Space Iz Conducive with Your Intentions... Be In A Quiet Space/Place... 2. While listening to the Sounds of Feng Shui, Creatively Visualize YourSelf surrounded by a Big Huge Beam of White and Blue Light..Over Your Head iz A Halo of Green Healing Light...See PowerFul Golden Hands laid Upon Your Head (Thiz Iz Your Higher Self Hands...The Real You Iz Sending Your Mind-Spirit- Hueman Body Vibrational Energy for Your Evolution Beyond Huemanity & WithIn Huemanity).... 3. Listen To The Sounds of Yur OWN Majikal Hands..See them Movve Freely in Rhythm thats Works With A Frequency that Only REcognizez You and Only just For You!!...You Gotta Be Present to Pick It Up!!!..Let The Rhythmic Vibes Take You WithIn Your Own Body Space...Visualize your Organs, Cells, Body Fluids As They Flow With Your Own Special Beat...See Your muscles Pulsating to the Sounds of Your Cosmik HeartBeat!!..They R Entities of Energy Ready to (R)evolutionize Your Primal Energy into Teh Creations of Your Own Making!!!.. Be Joyful, Enjoy the Ride, Luvv All..Be At-One-Ment With The All N All...Its Not Only About You..its About Others too!!!.... https://youtube/watch?v=ciMWt10VYwM Peace & Luvv & Illuminated Soullllll.... ~ MsKALImar -Priestess Kevina: Activity Purpose: Detoxification of all destructive energies that are held within your sacral chakra before clearing the energy of your home or an area. This exercise is designed to entice the passion within us by activating a deep and rejuvenating energetic cleanse of things both seen and unseen as you prepare for the energy of the Spring Equinox. 1). You will choose a song, preferably upbeat (Afefe Iku - Mirror Dance youtube/watch?v=7bKj-eCW2kE), allow yourself to feel the divine energies from the coming from the ground underneath you and the energy flowing above you. a). I enjoy doing this activity with nature consider doing this in your backyard or sacred space outdoors. If not, having a plant(s) near you, this allows for the intention of groundedness to be present 2). As you continue listening to the music begin moving your hip region and allow your body to dance from the inside out 3). As you get more into the music envision the Earth’s energy coming from the ground entering your feet as the Universe’s Cosmic energy enters your Crown Chakra as your feel this energy entering both chakra points of your body see them moving fast as light towards one another, meeting at your sacral chakra, when the enters hit a 4D diamond will be create. As continue to feel the energy your creating take your diamond and rotate your diamond counterclockwise as it moves horizontally between your 1st and 2nd chakra centers. 3). When feel your diamond is vibrating with radiance and passion you will continue dancing as you take your hands placing them on your abdomen area, absorbing this energy into the palms of your hands Focus on the energy that you passionately desire to exhibit during this season with the understanding that with every passionate desire you are pushing out all opposing energies that you have carried throughout the Winter Solstice. When you are ready you, begin to spread this energy over the different parts of your body, beginning with your heart. *Allow your intuition to guide your palms to where the ended is needed. 4). So you will take your hands as they are on your abdomen and bring your palms to your heart center, be sure that your hands are not crossed during this time. You can repeat this step to send the energy to other parts of your body (if you feel it’s needed). 5).You will seal the energy you’ve created by taking a deep inhalation and exhalation. Take another deep inhalation and as you exhale you will bring your body down onto your knees allowing your body to come into the Kheperi: The Scarab Posture Posture (Ashby & Ashby, 1996). In this posture you will allow your body to absorb the energy that you just re-created and distributed for yourself as you just detoxed internal/spiritual body from those energies, and habits that are no longer needed for this season as the Spring Equinox is vastly approaching. 6). When you have completed your emotional detoxing, and rejuvenation, you will than choose the minimum of one area of your home that has really been needed to be cleared, cleaned, and re-organized. Utilizing the energy you just cultivated you will than clear this space keeping in mind the meditation you just partook in, you will be focusing bringing forth this energy within your physical space with every step of the process of clearing your space. When you are finished you will feel, this space charged up and whenever you come into this area of your home you will be reminded of what you of those passions that you are exhibit and focus on during this Spring Equinox. Inspiration: From previous classes I began using these techniques individually and when I thought of detoxing my physical space, I heard and seen immediately combining these activities I’ve used. I’ve performed this activity and it has been powerful, it’s given me the ingredients I needed to begin the week and day of right! ~ Kevina-Priestess
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:17:36 +0000

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