Devotion for Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013 The Pursuit of Pleasure Read - TopicsExpress


Devotion for Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013 The Pursuit of Pleasure Read Ecclesiastes 2:1–11 I denied myself nothing my eyes desired. Ecclesiastes 2:10 Elvis Aaron Presley, nicknamed the King of Rock and Roll, rose from poverty to fame in the 1950s. He built his Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee. His songs topped the charts, and he starred in Hollywood movies. His fame and riches seemed to know no end, and he became recognized for his extravagant lifestyle, paying cash for Cadillacs and private airplanes. But all of his riches could not buy happiness. Twenty years later, Elvis’s life spiraled out of control, and in 1973 he died of a drug overdose, leaving everything he had so carefully acquired. Centuries earlier, King Solomon discovered the same truth. Earthly riches cannot satisfy. Even the acquisition of all of life’s pleasures can leave a person empty and longing for more. The king had acquired everything his heart could possibly desire. Solomon was known for his 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:1–7). He built vast homes and vineyards. He acquired people and animals. He stockpiled gold, silver, and treasures. Certainly, most would assume, this type of extravagant wealth would result in happiness. Yet the more he acquired, the more he was dissatisfied. He describes possessions, activities, and entertainment. He wanted his mind and hands to be busy and all of his senses delighted. But it was never enough. “I denied myself nothing,” said Solomon (v. 10). Throughout Scripture, we see this trait of humankind: the sinful desire to have more. Consider Adam and Eve gazing at the Tree of Knowledge, or Lot, nephew of Abraham, looking at the land forbidden him. This sin is reflected in the Ten Commandments that tell us not to covet our neighbor’s house or wife. Solomon learned this lesson well. No matter how much we manage to acquire, it will never seem enough.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 11:39:12 +0000

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