Devotional - Monday, 10th November 2014 Guard Against - TopicsExpress


Devotional - Monday, 10th November 2014 Guard Against IV ‘So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.’ Rev.3:18. The third challenge of being rich is you have a greater responsibility. ‘Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life’ 1Tim.6:17-19. This portion of Scripture lists the things that the people that are rich should do. You have a greater responsibility. You have to take care of more people. Being rich is not just about “me, my family, and I”. You have to take care of more people. You have to make sure that everybody is fine. You have to pay a lot of school fees. It is a lot of responsibility. And I hope you are doing that already. God wants us to own riches but He does not want riches to own us. ‘You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.’ Rev.3:17-18. Are you chasing money? That is the wrong model. God does not only want you to be wealthy, God paid the price for you to be wealthy. But God’s recommended model is to make God priority. Jesus puts it this way, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things that the gentiles run after will be added to you [Matt.6:33]. So the magnet really is God. The more of God you have, the wealthier you can become and it will not change you. It is all about God and the more of God you have. You are wealthy and it is going to increase abundantly but you need to put it under God’s control. If you want your wealth to be under God’s control. If you do not want riches to own you, then it is something you need to lay down at the foot of the Master. The key to being rich is in loving God. So lift up your voice and cry out to God. Prayer: Father, I pray that everything that is keeping me down will be taken out of my life. Lord, please give me the grace to seek You above all else, in Jesus Name.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 23:00:01 +0000

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