Do You Recognize the Power of Your Reticular Activator? The - TopicsExpress


Do You Recognize the Power of Your Reticular Activator? The reticular activator – also know as the reticular activating system, or RAS – is the part of your brain where the world outside you meets your insight thoughts and feelings. The base of the reticular activator is connected to the spinal cord and constantly receives direct input from all of your body’s senses. The RAS controls central-nervous-system activity and has dominion over such functions as wakefulness, attentiveness, and sleep. It looks for the fit between the outside environment and what’s happening within you. It screens and sorts information, and provides neural connections needed for processing and learning new information. The RAS focuses yourt conscious mind on what requires your attention, and blocks out the rest based on past experiences stored in your subconscious. You may have had direct experience of your RAS the last time you bought a car. Your internal screen adjusted to let in specific information about the make, model, and color in order to align with the decision you made to purchase that particular vehicle. Did you notice that all of a sudden, you saw a lot of cars that were the same as yours? Your reticular activator acts as a filter that determines what your conscious mind notices. It screens out all of the information coming in from all of your senses based on your beliefs and experiences, and the task at hand. The RAS is driven by how you are feeling, and it is responsible for determining what bits of information you may pay attention to and what goes unnoticed by your conscious mind. We need this screen to help us deal with the sheer amount of information coming at us constantly. What better way to screen than only to allow only the information that supports what we already believe? This is absolutely ingenious – unless, of course, the beliefs that are being reinforced are not supportive of your personal growth and development. If beliefs are holding you back, your reticular activator will continue to look for visible evidence of ‘why you can’t’ instead of ‘why you can’ When you use your conscious mind to decide what emotion you want to experience, you are setting your reticular activator. ~Belief Re-patterning, Suze Casey
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 02:44:59 +0000

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