Do not confuse rewards with favours ----- from DAP supporter, - TopicsExpress


Do not confuse rewards with favours ----- from DAP supporter, Francis Paul Siah ----- I have received several emails in response to my article “DAP’s internal strife big slap on Lim’s face” published in this column last week. Allow me to share one interesting email which I received in response to the DAP article and to react accordingly afterwards. It reads: “Dear Francis Paul Siah, thank you for sharing the article about DAP’s internal strife big slap on Lim’s face. “May I suggest that you do a research and write an article about the award of the Penang datukship by CM Lim Guan Eng. From 2008 to 2013 how many datukships have been awarded to developers and businessmen? Why the high number of developers and businessmen get the datukship? “Penang CM is so ungrateful to the long-time DAP members in Penang. The DAP state leaders said there is NO policy to award datukship to DAP members. DAP’s old-timers had worked so hard for the party but when the party rules Penang, all the benefits and rewards are given to outsiders. Are all the Penang DAP members of so ‘low quality’ that they are not worthy to receive anything? Only outsiders such as developers deserve the state awards! “As what you have mentioned, veteran DAP members who have been supporting the party for the past 20 or 30 years have been ignored and sidelined such as Zulkifli and many others whereas a newcomer like Zairil, the blue-eyed boy of the CM, was given the opportunity to stand in Bukit Bendera seat! “A leader who does not know how to take care of his party members is an ungrateful one who will fall sooner than later’. The writer signed off as “Penang DAP member for past 30 years”. Let me respond by saying that the grouses against Lim from DAP members, the Penang veterans in particular, are quite legitimate. I would describe it as a very “human” issue. It’s only human for an employee to expect some rewards after he had toiled for the company for donkey years. The same goes for members of political parties. But we have to understand that as chief minister, Lim is also in a very difficult position. Should he give priority to his party members when awarding state contracts, for example? That will smack of the same cronyism perpetuated by Umno which DAP had criticised. I’m glad that the writer has brought up the issue of the datukship award. It’s an interesting subject worth a discourse. DAP has my greatest respect for introducing its “no datukship” policy for leaders and members of the party. That should dispel whatever doubt there is about DAP people being crazy about social status and seeking personal glorification in politics. However, it was unfortunate that precedents had been set in the cases of Perak’s Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham and Selangor’s Datuk Teng Chang Khim. Those of us who are in the know could only chuckle at their rather lame excuses of being unable to turn down the palace’s offer to confer them the datukship. The late Ghafar Baba had politely rejected honorific titles from the Istana many times. He remained a plain ‘Encik’ even when he was deputy prime minister and only accepted the “Tunship” upon retirement. To me, Ghafar might not have been the smartest guy around but he was certainly one of the few genuine people’s politicians from Umno. Well, there are also some DAP leaders who find it difficult not to be a datuk after they had attained certain public positions. We cannot blame them if they think that having a longer name with the additional honorific will make them feel better. Many politicians are egoistical maniacs after all, those in the DAP included. Perhaps the DAP could consider awarding the datukship or other state awards to former veterans and stalwarts of the party who have retired. I’m sure everyone will appreciate some token of appreciation for their contribution to the party. The only political figure who was awarded a Penang datukship under the DAP as far as I can remember is PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Ismail. To the Penang DAP veteran who wrote to me, let me inform you that there is very little respect and integrity left in the datukship. There are too many datuks around as the awards are being dished out in the thousands every year. It is well known that such awards can even be traded at a pasar malam – bought and sold at the right price. Ask former minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim who was the first cabinet member to make the allegation which had never been denied. That is why you have datuks among murderers, drug traffickers, pimps, loan sharks, money launderers, operators of illegal gambling outlets and others involved in unsavoury activities. Surely, you wouldn’t want to add your name in that category which also comprises criminals and other bad hats. So to my new DAP friend, do not think that you are of such “low quality” and undeserving of any award from Lim. Keep your chin up and hold your head high. I’m sure your 30 years of dedication and loyalty to the DAP will be duly recognised one fine day. For now, I can agree that you and your band of brothers in Penang deserve better from your party leaders in the state. ----- theantdaily/news/2013/11/07/do-not-confuse-rewards-favours
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:10:00 +0000

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