Do they not provoke me to anger? Says the Lord. Do they not - TopicsExpress


Do they not provoke me to anger? Says the Lord. Do they not provoke themselves to the shame of their own faces? Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold My anger and My fury will be poured out on this place-on man and on beast, on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground and it will burn and not be quenched. Thus says the Lord God of Hosts, the God of Israel: Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices and eat meat. For I did not speak to your fathers or command them in the day that I brought them out of Egypt concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices. But this is what I commanded them, saying, Obey My voice and I will be your God and you will be My people. Walk in all the ways that I have commanded (instructed) you that it may be well with you. Yet they did not obey or incline their ears but followed the dictates and counsels of their evil hearts and went backward and not forward. Since the days that your fathers came out of Egypt until this day, I HAVE EVEN SENT TO YOU ALL MY SERVANTS THE PROPHETS, DAILY RISING UP EARLY AND SENDING THEM. YET THEY DID NOT OBEY ME OR INCLINE THEIR EAR BUT STIFFENED THEIR NECK. THEY DID WORSE THAN THEIR FATHERS. COMMENTARY: So here I am each day rising early writing the scripture and making comment that those of you who are in the time of your seeking the truth which only God can reveal to your blind eyes that you are not fooled. I write as a slave to the knowledge in which my mind reasons that you may not make the same mistakes as me, for I promise you, I was among all sinners chief. I was as a blind man groping about at midday searching for God and seeking to be significant and secure in the trappings of wealth, the honor of men we refer to as fame at the same time. The scripture warns and admonishes you, You cannot seek the truth of God and your own self interest at the same time. For man is so made that he will only serve one and not the other. In the creation of God one man is no different than the other and it is the way of men as it is the way of the beast and the flowers and the trees, all things recreate themselves. A man cannot give birth to a tree and tree cannot give birth to a cow. A tree can give birth to a peach or an apple and milk comes from the cow for God has so created them that they have within them the power to do these things. A man, whose nature or essence is no different than the beast or the tree can create a computer or create a vehicle to fly him in the sky, but no man can create God, though he tries for it is his nature to do these things to find a measure of peace given that his future is death. It is written in the scripture that a man is fearfully and wonderfully made. And when a man looks into the mirror of life, which is other men, he sees mans personality expressed in malice, greed, murder, war, poverty, sickness and ultimately death. He sees acts of kindness, the smiling face of a child or the welcoming embrace of a friend. But even these things are here today and gone tomorrow. Men live all their days in fear and that fear is the beginning of wisdom and wisdom differs from worldly knowledge for wisdom is the knowledge of God through the experience of God. And by experience I do not mean feelings but vision of the unseen things of God and these unseen things can only be revealed and the great work of the prophet of God is to make your way straight that you do not waste the time which God has provided for man to perceive HIM. As certain as I am that I was a greater sinner than all of you, I am equally certain of the ways of God who humbled me while I was busy groveling in the dust tickling the back of any swine who could root up gold for me. I too thought that gold, influence, fame, a spouse and the honor of men could satisfy me and release me from the seemingly meaningless misery and uncertainty of life. But it was not until I called for death to come that God revealed Himself to me through vision of unspeakable things for to try to explain them would make me appear to you as a fool. My Dear Reader, were it not for the visions of the things of God, I would still be asleep in the comfort of my bed and the warmth of my wife both of whom were given to me by God for I was not able to create these things for myself. Now I am writing to those who are poor in spirit, unable to create, alienated by their families, imprisoned, sick and seeking a modicum of hope languishing in the abyss of life groping about like a blind man afflicted with madness and unable to find sleep. It is for you that God has sent me for I was once like you and ask you to imitate me. These things have been brought upon you that the glory of God may be seen by you through His love and grace to reveal it to you, if you will only seek it by hoping in it and taking direction to my words. These words are truth and the measurement of words of truth are whether they are made flesh. If you would only turn away from the knowledge of the world which compels you to seek after your self interest and instead seek after the interest of God like the tree which neither sees nor hears or the cow who does not reason God will raise you up from the death of a life devoid of meaning to the riches of His glory that you may be a fisher of men who like you are called to be a member of the royal priesthood as Jesus and the prophets of old were that the scripture may be fulfilled in YOU. This is not done by the sacrifice of money and things but of your body in following the instruction of the prophet who rises early and asks nothing of You except to do even greater than himself as Jesus asked of His disciples. You have heard it said in your time that everything happens for a reason but I tell you that everything happens that you may have food to reason in for in time with God He does not go slowly as you understand slowness. In one day you will go from a pauper in the things of God to a king and you will be given enough money to meet your needs and be generous to others. This is the promise of God and I bear witness that this is the truth.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:21:05 +0000

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