Do you ever have one of those days when all you feel all you can - TopicsExpress


Do you ever have one of those days when all you feel all you can do is try to figure out why everything that has happened in you life, happened the way it did, and mostly why a large part of it happened in such a negative ways . I was having one of those days yesterday. I struggled back and forth in my mind until I was exhausted . I knew it was wrong thinking, I also it is a very human thing to do.. when I had relived almost all my life like a movie in my mind, God said: Youre wasting your precious time Becky. thats the past, this is Today. climb up out of there and get back on the right path. Its all because of the way you were raised, fear and worry is embedded in your thinking process.give it to me AGAIN, give it ALL to me. Ive already taken care of this for you. .have you forgotten so easily ? How many times have you frustrated yourself and gotten all upset needlessly .How many years have you spent saying : Oh, Im believing God. Im trusting God. But inside you are still feeling anxious and panicky. Do I mean that developing trust and confidence is a simple matter of saying: Dont worry, everything will be all right ? No I dont. it takes time to overcome an ingrained habit of worry, anxiety and fear. This is why no matter what it is thats hindering your happiness. remember.. HANG IN THERE with God. Because God is the only one that can really help. I think the reason I have always tried to figure everything out is because of my life long fear of failure and not feeling Good enough about myself . I dont know about you , but I have spent too many years of my life tormenting myself with worry and anxiety trying to handle things that were not mine to handle in the first place, As a result , years of my life were wasted.. Cease from anger and forsake wrath, fret not tends to evildoing.( Psalm 37:8 ) Im plowing on ahead, stepping over those boulders, scaling those mountains and trying to stay focused on what God has laid before me. the prize is just ahead. .
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 18:42:50 +0000

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