Do you hear yourself talking, though. Look, if the holocaust - TopicsExpress


Do you hear yourself talking, though. Look, if the holocaust existed, why was it wrong? Is it wrong to discriminate against Muslims, because of their faith? YES! If we stand up for the Muslims, only to tell them they have to give up their religious faith and traditions just to fit in our world dont you see what weve become? dont sound like youre standing for freedom when you talk like that. Religion is still going to be around when both of us pass away. A bunch of angry people on the internet isnt going to will peoples faith in a higher power out of existence. Why do you hate religion? Because its been used to divide people (although people on mission trips giving food and medicine to refugees might government support for them, as are the charities to help the poor and help human trafficking government support for most of those). I stand up for Muslims, because even though they are a different faith, I believe there is nothing wrong with them having a faith. Because I want my faith to be respected. If I stand up for another persons faith, just so the people I help can turn around and harass me for it, then I have helped a viper. Whats the point of criticizing other religious people for doing wrong if I suffer the same ridicule and hate speech that should soley be aimed at the people who misused religion, the ones who probably dont actually respect its tenets that wouldnt divide people, but help them be kind to one another. What you speak is hatespeech. And you started it. I approached you with kindness, an open mind even though you lean left. You liberals may not recognize it but the things you do say about christians are hatespeech. Ya know Christianity could have a liberal side or liberal sympathies to it? They can. But with people like you saying so much hateful stuff that sounds like a borderline threat (saying religion has no place in public discourse sounds like an intolerant dictator limiting free speech) how are the majority of Christians supposed to take your side on such issues? Ya know, more Christians, including some of the conservative ones, might have more sympathy for your causes. They might even deem them just and respect you. But how can they, with THAT attitude? How can the religious people in America be open to caring about the poor, and being tolerant of muslims, when the people complaining about such social apathy (you) greet them with hostility when they stop to hear your cries? Does that make much sense? Why would I fight a religious dictatorship just to establish a secular one? This hatred for Christianity has to stop. Christians do get butchered, just not in America. Muslim Countries. Communist Athiest countries. And you hate what a lot of these Jewish elites have done? Well many of them were supreme dictators in the Soviet Union. Many of the Neo Cons can be traced back to former communists who followed Trotsky. These former commies went to Israel, became right wing, and then infiltrated the conservative oriented parties to lead them astray under the guise of Neo Cons. And THEY are the ones who have hijacked a lot of protestant Christianity. If people knew their Bibles better they would be able to see through this Zionist Bullshit. But the sad fact of the matter is that people only know a little bit about the Bible, because the bible is demonized. And when people only know enough that they need to know more, thats when the Zio whores who are preachers step in and lead them astray off the path of the straight and narrow, setting them up for failure, teaching them to be beligerent and warlike, teaching them to act very unchristian, and setting Christians up to be hated in Muslim countries. They want a fall guy. These Zio Whores who have led astray American Protestant Churches, they NEED a fall guy. And look how well it has worked! Look at your attitude! Look how well it has worked! You think these guys have any love for Western Christians? See? Even when you know they are the ones causing the problem, you still fall into their illusion. No offense, theyve done it to all of us. Dude, if you cant be nice and tolerant to all religions for yourself, at least do it for the mission. Because the more you drive away and alienate Right Wing military oriented the Christians, that is one more very convicted soldier for THEIR cause. Sometimes literally!!! You liberals shoot yourselves in the foot by oversimplifying whos fault it is. You could win over some Christians-including conservative ones-and their help would be INVALUEABLE. Do you know why? Because people like me with that republican I was telling you about--hes the one that got me on the path to a more peaceful take on Christianity and a disdain for Zionism. Look past your prejudice. Look past your hate. Look past your intolerance. Because right now, Im not seeing prejudice coming from a religious guy not liking gay people. Oh, Ive seen that, but thats not what Im seeing right now. Im seeing Christphobic bigotry. Anti religious crusade. The Secular Inquisition. You dont want to become what you hate. Your intolerance would get you in so much social trouble if it was aimed at anybody besides the majority. This whole speech wasnt about you understanding or accepting Christianity. I wasnt even asking you to LIKE Christianity or even respect it. Years ago, I was on a path like you. I was very controlling, almost cruel. I got in trouble. You dont want that to happen to you. Please. Dont learn to respect and tolerate Christianity for them. Learn to do it for yourself. Because the elites, the tyrants of this world...theyre not Christian. Or Muslim. Truly they are not even really Jewish. and the fact that they make people hate and despise all religions works fine for them. Because after those religions are torn down they will replace it with a world religion...even if that religion is disguised as anti religion. So just learn to not hate so much. You know me and you agree on some things. But what you said? Intolerant hate speech. You can say it all you want, but enforcement of your attitude has no place in a free society, man.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:00:29 +0000

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