Do you know your Bible? Really know it? Enough that you wont - TopicsExpress


Do you know your Bible? Really know it? Enough that you wont be deceived by the abundance of false gospels and growing apostasies? There are those pseudo Judeo-Christian faiths that teach you can earn your way to heaven. There are pseudo (false) Judeo-Christian faiths that teach that there is a Gospel: Part Two. There are those who water down and dilute the one true Gospel to remove a God of Justice and Holiness, and only leave a god of warm and fuzzy feelings. There are those who cherry pick what verses they want, to sell their product (be it book, tv show or stadium seating), and say that the Gospel is a road map on how to get wealthy in this life. If you are not careful, friend, youll fall for any of them. And if you die, clinging to a false gospel, a false Christ, trusting in your own goodness or prosperity to save you, you will be lost. Your name will not be found within the Lambs Book of Life. The Bible teaches us that our own deeds are not enough to save us; if we are trying to save ourselves by our own righteousness, we are lost. It is only through the grace of Jesus Christ that we are saved. A saving faith will inspire and compel true believers to do good works in order to bring glory to God, but those deeds do not bring salvation. Those deeds show that your faith is alive and active, but they do not bring the assurance of redemption; only faith in Christ does that. If your church tells you that your deeds save you; then they are teaching a false gospel. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 The Bible warns that there will be those who teach a false gospel, who teach of a different Christ: there were evil men doing it even in Pauls day! Men who wanted to lead people astray; to pervert the Gospel for their own ease and teaching. Those who do so are NOT of God, but of the enemy. It does not matter how nice they are, how kind they seem, how good their works are; if they are holding to a different gospel other than the Holy Gospel, they are lost. And theyll drag you down with them if you follow their path. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8 The Apostle Paul later goes onto chide the church in Corinth because the members would entertain and listen to those who taught a different gospel: For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough. 2 Corinthians 11:4 Accepting teachings that are contradictory to the Bible, putting your faith in teachers that add onto the Bible, is to let go of the Cross. If you do not hold onto the true and saving faith, then what are you counting on to save you? Paul warned against it then, and those words still resonate today! If anyone, man or seeming angel, comes to you with a teaching that is different than that of the Holy Scriptures, reject them! For those teachings are accursed. Paul warns us in Hebrews to be wary of teachers of strange doctrines (Hebrews 13:9) and the only way you know what is true or not is to know your Bible. We are told in Ephesians that the danger of false teachings is that they will confuse immature believers (Eph. 4:14), leading them astray. We are warned within the pages of Scripture to be on the look out for false teachings because they can destroy the faith of those not secure in belief. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. (1 Tim. 4:1-2) We KNOW apostasies will come, that in these days some will abandon the true faith and either fall away completely or hold to a deceptive faith. Paul says those who teach such things are taught by demons, and are hypocritical liars with no conscience. They do not care if you let go of the Cross; they only care about themselves and what they can get out of you. Your money, your faithful following, that is what they care about, not the state of your eternal soul. Friend; what are you clinging to? Are you holding onto the true and saving faith of Jesus Christ? Or have you let Him go to grasp onto a false teacher who promises wealth? Or a teacher who is accursed by the standards of the Bible for teaching a false gospel? You have many choices in this life, but none are more important than whether you choose to be steadfast in your faith to Christ. Your eternal salvation depends upon it. If you trade Jesus in for a false faith or a false teacher, you trade heaven for hell. Christ told us there is a narrow path to salvation and a broad road to destruction (Matthew 7:13); following an almost Christian faith will land you on that road to destruction. Trading in the Cross of Christianity for the ear tickling promises of wealth will land you on that road to destruction. Trusting in your own ability to save yourself will most certainly land you in destruction. There is ONE Savior, who is Christ Jesus the Lord. He is THE Way, THE Truth, THE Life (John 14:6) and He will shepherd you safely to the far shore, but you have to keep faith with Him, trusting in Him alone to save. Read your Bible. Know your Bible. Examine your faith so that you may be assured of your salvation. Dont trust such an important matter, the most important in all your life, to someone else. Gods grace be with you, Fr. Charles Butler
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 18:25:57 +0000

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