Do you need a healing in your life? God still provides and He - TopicsExpress


Do you need a healing in your life? God still provides and He still performs miracles. Matthew 12:13 Then saith He to the man, “Stretch forth thine hand”. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other. All of us have some form of weakness or incompleteness. We are all lacking. It may be a physical need or emotional or social. There is one thing about all of us: we need Jesus to heal some part of us. The above account was where Christ entered into a synagogue on a Sabbath. He encountered a man with a withered hand. The Pharisees present had followed Him so that they may could find a reason to condemn Him. I find it interesting that someone needing healing was so readily available in the presence of these naysayers and accusers. This man was sitting in the synagogue completely unaware that he would be the cause for the arrest and crucifixion of the Savior. He was simply waiting for someone to help him. Jesus spoke healing into the man’s life out of compassion. These same miracles happen today. God does not care about the lack of faith of others. He does not take into account what society thinks or feels. He is not concerned with what doctors say, what economists say or what the intellectual say. He does what He does because He cares about you. He wants you to be whole. He knows that you hurt and you need. He loves you and desires that you know and understand that love. You may be going through something right now you do not understand. It is probably bigger than you and exceeds your ability to confront. It may be something that has been with you your entire life. It may be an abuse from others, a generational curse, a phobia, something lacking or it may be something that you just put your finger on. Whatever you are facing, know this, God understands, He knows and He has the power to mold you into what you are meant to be. He is in control and He is privy to information and plans that you have no concept of. Draw your faith and patience from Him. Follow His Holy Spirit’s voice. Wait and see what He miracles He supplies in your life.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:58:52 +0000

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