Does “Donor Class” Domination of Democracy Inspire Distrust? - TopicsExpress


Does “Donor Class” Domination of Democracy Inspire Distrust? If so, Why Should “We The People” Stand for it? In 2014: Candidates received 84% of their individual contributions from large donors. Seven of every 10 individual contribution dollars to all federal candidates, parties, PACS, and Super PACS came from donors who gave $200 or more. Just 50 individuals & their spouses accounted for a third of the total money raised by Super PACs this cycle Voters feel the mismatch between the promise of equal democracy and the reality of unequal voice, with 75% saying the wealthy have more influence over elections than the rest. SOLUTION SIGN: Support The Government by the People Act, which would match small donors’ contributions with public funds to amplify their voices and provide an incentive for candidates to listen to all voters rather than just elite donors. Does “Donor Class” Domination of Democracy Inspire Distrust? If so, Why Should “We The People” Stand for it? Democracy has at its heart a basic promise: citizens have an equal voice in deciding who represents them. But the increasing dominance of big donors and corporations over our electoral system undermines that promise, exacerbating inequality in our democracy and making it more difficult for all Americans to be heard. A new brief out today from Demos and U.S. PIRG, part of an ongoing series, shows the growing role of big money in the 2014 midterm elections. Read the full brief here. FINDINGS Candidates received 84% of their individual contributions from large donors. Seven of every 10 individual contribution dollars to all federal candidates, parties, PACS, and Super PACS came from donors who gave $200 or more. Just 50 individuals & their spouses accounted for a third of the total money raised by Super PACs this cycle BOTTOM LINE Voters feel the mismatch between the promise of equal democracy and the reality of unequal voice, with 75% saying the wealthy have more influence over elections than the rest. Recent political science research confirms that economic and business interests play an overwhelmingly more significant role in setting policy than average citizens. The obvious response to this stark disparity between the system we have and the democracy we deserve is to take steps to bring the former into closer alignment with the latter. SOLUTIONS SIGN: Support The Government by the People Act, which would match small donors’ contributions with public funds to amplify their voices and provide an incentive for candidates to listen to all voters rather than just elite donors.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 01:24:05 +0000

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