Dog Appetite loss Dogs usually are hearty eaters (although - TopicsExpress


Dog Appetite loss Dogs usually are hearty eaters (although there are some finicky eaters as well!) Most of the time, dogs enjoy chowing down their food. They even find stale food or garbage delicious!Just like us, however, a dog occasionally may lose his appetite due to stress, a lack of exercise, or even a change in the weather.Temporary appetite loss in dogs is not serious - dogs are by nature hardy animals and can stay healthy and active even if they dont eat for 48 hours. Believe it or not, dogs are very in tune with their bodies - when they do not feel so well, or when they feel there is a need for internal cleansing (like detoxification), they fast on their own.However, if your dog suddenly loses her appetite or stops eating altogether for more than two days, coupled with weight loss, then you should take her to the vet for a check-up. The dog appetite loss is most likely caused by some underlying health problem. Causes of Dog Appetite Loss As you can imagine, there are many possible reasons why a dog may lose her appetite. Some common ones include: StressDogs are animals of habits - they like routines and dislike stress! Therefore, when a dogs daily routines are disturbed, or when there is stress in her living environment, she may lose her appetite. For example, when there is a new dog in the family, or when she is put in the kennel while her owners are on vacation. Digestive ProblemsDigestive problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, Inflammatory bowel disease, and so on, can also cause dog appetite loss. If your dog stops eating because of diarrhea, dont force food down her throat. Fasting in this case is actually good for your dog. Just remember to encourage her to drink water to prevent dehydration. Bacterial or Viral InfectionsInfectious diseases usually cause fever, which in turn may cause a dog to lose his appetite. In this case, it is also natural and beneficial for the dog to fast. Temporarily going without food allows the body to devote less energy to digestion and more to fight the bugs that make him sick. Respiratory DiseasesSome dogs may lose their appetites when they suffer from an upper respiratory disease (e.g.asthma, kennel cough). Perhaps they dont want to eat because they cannot smell their food! Other Health ProblemsOther health problems that may cause dog appetite loss include: Dental or peridontal diseases Pancreatitis Kidney failure Urinary tract infections Severe worm infestations Addisons disease Cancer As you can see, dog appetite loss can be caused by quite a few different diseases. It is therefore essential to get a medical check-up if your dog stops eating for over 48 hours.Top Natural Remedies for Dog Appetite Loss For the occasional appetite loss, and if the dog is otherwise healthy, try some of the following to stimulate her appetite. HerbsMany dogs like the taste of garlic and in fact a small amount of garlic is good for dogs. Next time when your dog is not eating, trying mixing a small amount of finely chopped fresh garlic (one-eighth to one-fourth of a teaspoon depending on the size of the dog) to his food. The garlic taste may just be the thing that can entice him to eat.Other herbs that are not only appetite-stimulating but also nutritious include peppermint, fennel, alfalfa, and dill. Just sprinkle some of these dried herbs on your dogs food. Essential OilsThe essential oils of rose and vetiver are effective in perking up a flagging dog appetite. One convenient way to get the scent of the oils to your dog is to put 2 to 3 drops of either one of these oils on a bandanna and tie it around your dogs neck. (DO NOT put the oil directly on the dogs skin.) Homeopathy Nux vomica--This homeopathic remedy is effective for dogs who have lost their appetites due to indigestion or constipation. Dogs that need this remedy may vomit or retch. They are depressed and irritable especially in the mornings. Carbo vegetabilis--This is another remedy that is effective for dogs who have lost their appetites due to poor digestion. Dogs needing this remedy often have gas, and are usually lethargic and weak. Other Remedies for Dog Appetite Loss change the FoodSome dogs may stop eating when they do not like their food! If your dog is reluctant to eat her food, try feeding her a new type of food to see if the change can do the trick. If she eats the new food heartily, then you have found a solution to the problem (provided of course that the new food is natural, and of high-quality.) Warm the FoodDogs (and cats for that matter) love to eat foods that have strong smells. By warming the dog food a bit, therefore, it becomes more aromatic and may just be the way to get the dog eating again. Add Natural Supplements to the DietIf your dogs appetite loss is due to poor digestion or indigestion, give him supplements ofdigestive enzymes to help him digest food and absorb nutrients.If the appetite loss is due to digestion problems (such as diarrhea, gas, vomiting, and so on), supplements of probiotics are beneficial.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 12:36:23 +0000

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