Dont you just LOVE surprises?! ....My name is Shelly Olson and - TopicsExpress


Dont you just LOVE surprises?! ....My name is Shelly Olson and this is my Thrive Experience. I am 35 years old and I am a full-time mother of 9, yes I just said NINE! To say I lead a busy life is an understatement. I have four children of my own and I do foster care for 5 others. Foster care can be a very stressful emotionally demanding job. The past year was very rough on my body. I found out I was pregnant unexpectedly last July. Having a baby at 35 was never part of my plan... Surprise! In August I had surgery to remove my gallbladder which is fairly risky during pregnancy. I delivered my son via C-section in February and following that things really got difficult. I was trying to recover from two major surgeries, trying to care for a newborn while still meeting the needs of 8 other children, 5 of them with special needs, and trying to lose the baby weight. I was running on little sleep and what sleep I got was often interrupted. I was EXHAUSTED. It was overwhelming and stressful. I was struggling emotionally following the pregnancy and every day I fought to be ok even though I just didnt feel like myself. I found out about Thrive over a year ago because I signed up as a promoter just a few days before I found out I was pregnant. If Im being completely honest.... I was a hater. I had been burned in another business with a different product so I was hesitant. Despite my past negative experience I finally started the Thrive experience after my pregnancy on July 5th and Im so glad I did! Day 1 The first day I noticed that after I took a nap I woke up feeling rested instead of more fatigued and groggy. At that point my baby was still waking up several times a night so a nap was necessary when I could get one. I have never in my life woken from a nap feeling like that! It was amazing. I also noticed that I could see more clearly and I felt sharper. Day 3 Three days in I noticed I was feeling more energy. Even with little sleep I felt fantastic. I also noticed that for the first time since having the baby I felt more like myself emotionally. That was a great feeling! Day 7 I noticed that my digestion was more normal than it had been since having ANY of my children. For women that have had babies maybe you noticed that it changed significantly following them? Day 14 Yes! It took almost two full weeks to see the scale move and by this point I was down 5 pounds. My body had been fighting me shedding weight but I stuck with the thrive because of all the other benefits I was experiencing. I am currently down 33 pounds since delivering my son and today is September 23rd. I feel amazing! I have only 7 pounds left to get back to pre baby weight and then I look forward to losing 20 more for my upcoming wedding! Turns out... Having that baby though it was a surprise led me to the Thrive experience which also turned out to be a surprise for a once hater turned believer. Both were the blessings of a lifetime. I got my son and I got my life back! Its a wonderful life indeed full of surprises and I love it!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 18:10:33 +0000

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