Doug E. Freshs magnum opus! This swimming hole is located in - TopicsExpress


Doug E. Freshs magnum opus! This swimming hole is located in Blanco, Texas, which is 45 miles north of San Antonio, and 45 miles west of Austin, TX, about the center of Texas, its actually an aberration, or an apparition, as it is the most stunningly beautiful geographical area of Texas, and the most politically and socially liberal area of Texas; part of the reason for this is that the University of Texas is located in Austin, a great academic and athletic University (excellent college football, which is a big deal in the south, and particularly, Texas, with a fantastic law school and Med School, 40,000 plus undergraduate students. Again, this area Austin, and San Antonio, is intellectually, politically, socially the most liberal area of Texas, maybe even in the US. Its as liberal as Cambridge Mass (Harvard and MIT are located there) or Berkeley, CA (University Of Californias main campus is located there, Cal-Berkeley,is know for its political liberal activism, ever since the Freedom of Speech movement in 1964 began at Cal-Berkeley, civil rights, and anti-Viet Nam War activism and protests as well.) So, the University of Texas is probably the the biggest contributing factor in how politically and socially liberal and enlightened area Austin/San Antonio is. The rest of Texas is as ugly as its geography, and thats nearly 1000 miles wide from east to west, and about 1000 miles long from north to South, and the rest of the state has repugnant political and social views and behavior. In some counties in Texas, it is illegal NOT to carry a concealed gun, it was the first State to legalize the murder of its own citizens, to re-institute executions, they are the leading state in murdering its own citizens, even the mentally retarded,...... Accidentally hit the enter button on above post, but as I was saying, before I so rudely interrupted, by myself, the State of Texas with that idiot republican Texas redneck, Rick Perry, Governor, has executed mentally retarded people along with over 175 people since the US Supreme Court made that possible for States to do so, in 1975. Executions, there in Tex-ass, are on an assembly line, and most redneck Texans, and that is most of Texans, as they are some of the most repugnant political conservatives you will find in the US, and even the entire South, which is know for its stupidity, and racism in the first place. This is the State produced Georgedumbo redneck Walker Bush Jr, the stupid arrogant reprobate (redundant on purpose) in Chief, former President of the US, very unfortunately so, too. Need I say more; than that fact that the miscreants and scurrilous reprobates and imbeciles that comprise most Texas than to say that is where George W. Bush, Jr, grew up? No, I dont! Some of Texas repugnant Wild West attitudes stem from the fact that Texas was the only State in the Union that was an Independent Country, led by the charismatic leader, lawyer, Sam Houston, the First and only President of Independent Republic of Texas (The city of Houston was named after him.) The Republic of Texas, won their Independence from Mexico, after they defeated Mexico in 1836. The Independent Republic of Texas existed as a separate nation from 1836 to 1846, or until it was annexation by the US in Dec. 29, 1845. Unresolved territorial disputes with Mexico since Texas became a Republic led to the US war with with Mexico in 1846-1848. So, some of Texas repulsive political social Wild West, Hang em high, Independent redneckattitudes derives from from the fact that Tex-ass was an independent nation, where everything big, is best, stupidity combined with the hangem high idiocy makes Tex-ass the most repulsive and vulgar place to live in the US, again, except San Antonio, and Austin, for the above stated reasons.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 15:45:31 +0000

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