Dr. Kerry Ridgway FANS. Kerry will be doing an Equinology, - TopicsExpress


Dr. Kerry Ridgway FANS. Kerry will be doing an Equinology, Hands-On Saddle Fitting course, not a clinic, in Petaluma, CA USA, August 9-12. This course covers saddle fitting from a veterinary and equine wellness standpoint and it covers much, much, much more then just the saddle fitting itself, though that is covered in-depth. Kerry has a whole section on feet, the conformation of the lower leg, and fascia. It is a very content rich course. Unlike a clinic which usually lasts 2 days where Kerry lectures and does demoes, an Equinology course is FOUR days, with students having hands on scheduled time several times a day, and a solid "textbook". This is designed for equine wellness pros though educated amateurs can participate. I have taken this course a few years back outside of North CA and it has changed how I look at horses. I have an automatic check list I got through in my mind when I watch a horse walk by nacked or under saddle. Sadly, saddle fitting remains a hit and miss scenario for most riders, and horses suffer as a consequence as do riders wallets, not to mention loss of performance and time. If you are an equine wellness practitioner, this course is a must. If you are a trainer and responsible for the health of horses or a saddle fitter who just went through basic training, it is a must. No offense to saddle fitters, but when you consider the amount of issues horses with custom or semi-custom saddles have, there is a lot of education needed in that field - in my opinion, a national certification would be a good thing because bad saddles main horses. We all have horror stories to tell. This course can help ensure your horses are not the subject of the next one. I cannot recommend the course enough which is why I am gushing about it! Please share.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:09:48 +0000

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