Due to lack of money, Ukraine considers Euthanasia as the - TopicsExpress


Due to lack of money, Ukraine considers Euthanasia as the solution. The bill goes to the grandparents ... Today, on the anniversary of Euromaidan and Orange Revolution in the newly appeared day of dignity and freedom, not too much to find out, here are much different from each other, two grandmothers, frozen from the cold or died of starvation and disease, which have nothing to heal, to south-east of Ukraine or on its southwest.Or in the center? Or in the north? In my opinion, nothing. South-east, more precisely, the Donbass, of course, brings its own specificity: there grandmothers can still easily kill - in bomb shelters or simply fill mines and shells on the way to the store or a pharmacy. Fighting in the south east, and freezes and slowly dying, not only he, but all the rest of Ukraine, center, north, west, south-west ... Civil war and all that is connected with it, - e is a common tragedy of modern Ukraine.Her humanitarian disaster, which began to notice, even in Europe, following obediently on a leash for American policy. However, in Europe there are people who can not see the obvious. And to be honest about it. Just recently, the rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the humanitarian situation in the Ukraine, Jim Sheridan (UK) on the visit to Kiev and Kharkov on November 17-18 this year, said: Ukraine is facing a serious humanitarian crisis due to conflict in the eastern regions. I am convinced that the severity of the crisis is not evaluated until the end in Europe and did not appreciated in many Western countries. ... The Ukrainian government has in fact itself is just beginning to realize the scale and consequences. And Mr. Sheridan rightly named and marked one of the sources and at the same time signs of this humanitarian catastrophe - a military operation called ATO, in the Donbass. And the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer in early November of this year, said that his agency has expanded its activities in Ukraine. Because there holds one of the most complicated operations connected with the Civil War. According to Maurer. Last year, the ICRC even more money for Ukraine is not planned. We had planned only a small operation to support the development of Ukrainian Red Cross Society. ... However, with the expansion of the conflict, we concluded that the fighting has led to a humanitarian crisis in the Donets Basin, in particular, and in general in Ukraine, all the humanitarian needs have arisen in connection with the appearance of refugees due to ongoing armed clashes - - Just say it. And in general, these two Europeans only emphasized the obvious: because of the war in the Donbass suffer not only the residents of the south-east, and all the rest of Ukraine. Especially her very poorly protected or layers - the elderly, the disabled, children. Suffer because of the rolling blackouts and untimely supply of heat. Due to the reduction of social benefits and total growth of prices for all, but especially for food and medicine. Because of problems with the same energy freeze and become useless schools, hospitals, kindergartens and nurseries throughout Ukraine, and not just in the area of ATO where social infrastructure is also destroying artillery and rocket fire. Due to lack of money and a total reduction of state social benefits, zhivoderskoy policy of banks led by National Bank of Ukraine, pushes up inflation, but at the same time try to freeze the issuance of even those meager deposits, deposits, which could help the elderly, people get poorer. And for the elderly and sick sometimes it turns into a slow and painful death. To help the poor could even gold and foreign exchange reserves, but he reserve is reduced drastically and disappears in an unknown direction. And particularly pleased all in this regard Prime rabbit Yatsenyuk when publicly stated: Gold and foreign exchange reserves are needed only rogue states that do not have international support. Ukraine-not one of them. And this despite the fact that, as we see, the ICRC itself increases assistance to Ukraine and its suffering population. ... Probably we will have to continue to expand its reach, because the number of refugees is very large - said ICRC President Maurer. A PACE rapporteur Sheridan urges the Ukrainian authorities do not pretend that the situation in the Donbass and across the country - not because of their actions, and there was absolutely no warning. ... Need to stop human rights violations committed by both regular and irregular armed groups in the areas controlled by the rebels, and on their perimeter. ... The government must continue to perform their vital duties towards those who still live in areas under the control of the militia, - he said. The fact that the whole country is suffering from the war in the Donbass, only the authorities do not want to ignore. And that is typical: the first anti-war speech, according to an Internet resource Free Press, began in June in the city of Lviv region Sycamores. There parents mobilized soldiers blocked the military unit that their sons are not sent to fight in the south-east. And there are several dozen people picketed the recruitment office and the military unit, demanding to return home fighters, survivors of the shelling by Zelenopolem Luhansk region. Then the mass antiwar action swept across the Chernivtsi region, in the villages Domboki, Chervenovo, Strabichevo Mukachevo district, the four settlements Khust district, in the villages and Muzhiyevo Gat Beregovsky district. In July, it all started in Transcarpathia, where one of the centers of protest was the village Rokoshino Mukachevo district. People in the two days have blocked the road of international importance Kyiv-Chop, protesting mobilization. And then it all went south and, in the Odessa area relatives of soldiers blocked the route Odessa - South, demanding that their loved ones already in the south-east, returned home. After the anti-war protests swept the country. Today they are joined by social protests.With the exception that the aid Protestants, but in fact their relatives and friends, mothers and wives can come out of the military zone ATO. With arms to come, and then the Maidan-3 or social maidan acquire such a shape and konkre5tiku. From which the authorities in Kyiv unlikely to wriggle. And to sit in a chair ... However, the Ukrainian authorities on all corners shouting about their unconditional European elections have something to offer to their fellow citizens, licked experience with other mladoevropeytsev. For example, the new Minister of Health of Lithuania Rimante Shalashyavyachyute, which was sworn in early July, has already proposed a social know-how: Euthanasia can be a good choice for poor people who, because of poverty do not have access to medical care. According to her, Lithuania, the new member of the EU and NATO - not the welfare state, where palliative care is available to all in need, and therefore, euthanasia may be the solution for people who do not want to bother relatives spectacle own suffering. And the new ministersha immediately began the debate on euthanasia of extra elderly poor. But somehow it was based on the experience of staroevropeytsev. According to her, the rights to euthanasia have long had old Belgium. And now, more precisely, in February this year, added to them, and ... children. The lower house of the Belgian parliament approved a bill to legalize infant euthanasia. For terminally ill children experiencing unbearable torments that can not be alleviated. For vote 86 members of the House of Representatives, against - 44, 12 MPs abstained. King of the Belgians and Belgian Philippe signed it into law.Despite the appeal to it 200 thousand citizens of the different countries of Europe and the world, wrote in the petition that the document is the worst law on euthanasia in the world. And despite the protest of the Catholic Church, whose representative, Archbishop Andre Leonard of Brussels, said: The law opens the door that no one can close ... But Ukraine, led by the ideals of Euromaidan goes to Europe. By its values and ideals. And I think she and without much help and inspiration in their borrowed already opened an account at children and grandmothers. Europe is just give them the desired gloss and respectability. So Kanniablov leader, educated at Oxford, to shine & polish skulls of the enemies & make ashtrays of bones looks elegant and very European in style ... adam1baum.blogspot.no/…/due-to-lack-of-money-ukraine…
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 17:27:19 +0000

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