During this years suicide awareness , I would like to ask everyone - TopicsExpress


During this years suicide awareness , I would like to ask everyone to take time out of their day to do the following: 1. Call someone who youre still on good terms with, but havent spoken to in a long time. Tell them one memory you thought of that made you smile and think fondly of them . 2. Tell someone on the street that theyre beautiful and dont need to change a thing. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder... Dont be stingy. 3. Call someone you havent spoken to in a while that you arent on good terms with. If its worth it to you, make amends. If not, tell them a memory that made you think of a time you were friends. (Preferably a good/happy memory. Lets keep the happy thoughts-a-flowin. Dont fill your heart with pride either. Being prideful doesnt solve anything.) 4. Lastly, hug or say hello to 10 random people before the day is over. Not only will you notice a change in your mood, but you may change someone elses too. A hug a day keeps the pills and psych wards away. Lol just kidding, but really. Hugs are important and often go underrated and underestimated. Its a physical gesture that allows human beings to subconsciously understand that giving a hug is a very vulnerable thing. Youre arms are wide open, exposing your lungs and heart. You are making the effort to show someone that you arent afraid, and are there to be supportive. Thats what its all about in the end anyway. Love and support. 2 things that arent given to everyone like it should be. Have a great day, week, month, whatever you are looking forward to. May your days be long, and fulfilled with the utmost passion and happiness it has to offer.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:09:08 +0000

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