EAT MORE FAT TO LOSE MORE FAT…. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? Hit like and share & comment >>>> EATING FAT WILL HELP YOU LOSE FAT… Have you lose your mind! Have you heard before that drinking more water will help lose weight? Well if you haven’t it does. Consuming more water on a daily basis allows your body to let go of its water weight as it is getting a steady intake. The same principle applies to FAT! If you’re trying to lose fat, the answer is very simple... increasing fat into your diet is going to help. By showing your body that it is getting a consistent source of external fat from your diet, it will be more willing to let go of the fat increasing the amount of fat loss you achieve. Fat = energy / fuel. If you are on your diet and opt for fat free products, zero sugar and calorie restrictions you will find your fat loss journey is going to be a struggle as you are restricting the fuel your body needs. Downside to FAT! Fat has 9 calories per gram, and is a dense source of energy for your body. Great for your body to store, but bad for you when you want to get rid of it to get that body you desire. This doesn’t mean you can celebrate and hit your favorite fast food joints and dive into that biggest burger oozing with saturated fats. You are on a weight loss journey and you are going to have to stick to a few rules to ensure you can achieve your goals. Fats to avoid? Trans & Saturated Fats = BAD Fats found in fast foods, processed foods, chips, deep fried food, butter, cakes, ice cream, candy bars, packaged snacks etc. THE FATS YOU WANT TO EAT! Polysaturated & Monosaturated = Good fats: From nuts and grains, proteins, avocado, olives, tuna, salmon, sardines. Exercise: yes you still have to be exercising doing cardio and weight training. We still have to be burning those calories you 1are consuming daily. Remember Calories in vs Calories out Macronutrients & Healthy Food: You want to be getting a variety of macros from Proteins, Vegetables, Fruits and grains. The rule is to become a meat eating vegetable & fruit loving individual, if it can be grown or killed then eat. BUT remember always in moderation.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 02:10:47 +0000

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