ENERGY THERAPY GO HERE: https://facebook/energytherapyuk/posts/10155144722150385?notif_t=notify_me You’ve torn apart your families, disassembled your smaller communities in favor of huge cities. In these big cities there are more people, but fewer tribes, groups, or clans whose members see their responsibility as including responsibility for the whole. So, in effect, you have no elders. None at arm’s reach, in any event. Worse than moving away from your elders, you’ve pushed them aside. Marginalized them. Taken their power away. And even resented them. Yes, some members of your society are even resenting the seniors among you, claiming that they are somehow leeching on the system, demanding benefits that the young have to pay for with ever-increasing proportions of their income. Yet if your elders aren’t contributing, it is because you have not allowed them to contribute. You have required them to retire from their jobs just when they could really do the company some good, and to retire from most active, meaningful participation in life, just when their participation could bring some sense to the proceedings. Not just in parenting, but in politics, economics, and even in religion, where elders at least had a toehold, you have become a youth-worshipping, elder-dismissing society. Yours has also become a singular society, rather than a plural one. That is, a society made up of individuals, rather than groups. As you have both individualized and youthened your society, you have lost much of its richness and resource. Now you are without both, with too many of you living in emotional and psychological poverty and depletion... So many of you are living in denial. So many of you are pretending that what’s so is simply not so. You are lying to yourselves, and you do not want to hear the truth, much less tell it... This denial, this failure to observe and acknowledge what’s so, is not an insignificant thing. And if you truly want to change things, I hope you will just allow yourself to hear Me. The time has come for truth telling, plain and simple. Are you ready? Conversations with God (Book 3), Neale Donald Walsch [For more inspiring quotes, articles, and top health and energy tips, simply sign up for our weekly inspirational email. We offer thought-provoking excerpts and articles for deeper self-reflection. To have us land in your inbox, and start your week with positivity and joy. Sign up here:
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 09:00:19 +0000

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