EXCERPT FROM THE FULL ART-ICLE: EL, THE ILLUMINAUGHTY BULL GOD OF THE BIBLE https://facebook/notes/made-manifest/el-the-illuminaughty-bull-god-of-the-bible-please-tag-and-share/10152496004102346 The father god of TIME is Cronus, the founder and creator of the ancient Canaa Phoenician city of the Twin BULLS, Byblos (bible), he’s the Grand Father of Time, Saturn EL (Cronus). Yes, Time FLIES (wings), and if you drink the blood of the RED BULL or the Bi-Bulls, the Red Bull was said to give you wings so you can fly! Notice the bi- bulls and the sun in the center (centaur) or the MID EL of the RED BULL logo! What is the SYMBULL of the illuminati? The Symbol of AIR, and the symbol of air are the wings. The air symbol is the truncated pyramid, the letter ‘A” which comes from the hebrew Aleph, which in ancient times was the Phoenician pictograph of the BULLS head and horns, the upside down letter A! ancient aleph pictograph Notice that the capstone is aloft in the AIR like the Hebrew Yod or Yoda! Notice that Saturn EL is always shown with the WINGS of the AIR, just as the ANG of EL (angel) has. Note that EL was also known as the BULL God Enlil, the GOD of the AIR! So now you KNOW why RED BULL gives you WINGS and why Micha-EL “AIR” Jordan is the RED BULL who FLIES THROUGH THE AIR just like the ancient Babylonian Sheddu or Lamassu, or Cherub, wearing the sacred Illuminati number 23! Then of course this leads us to the RED BULLSeye, the orange giant star of Taurus. ALDEBARAAN (Alpha Tauri) is by far the brightest, and therefore the Alpha, or “the most high star of the constellation Taurus.and appears RED and is known as the Bullseye, which is of course where the illuminati get the modern logo for TARGET which is the RED BULLSEYE! You may be better acquainted with this star known as Alderaan from the film Star Wars, which was written by George Lucas, the well known hebrew occultist and Illuminatus, hence all the ancient knowledge and symBULLism contained therein, such as the Yod-a, Aldebaraan, Qi-Gong Djinn, Djedi, and the death star” (Saturns ARTICFICIAL moon Iapetus) just to name a FEW! SEE AND SHARE REFERENCES AND CITED SOURCES BELOW: AND THIS IS NO BULL-OX! subscribe to this channel for more proof! youtu.be/DCxIOpVn2ME EXPLAINED DEEPER IN VIDEO! https://youtube/watch?v=-bs_2J3Wl1Q BULL GOD OF THE BIBLE: https://youtube/watch?v=Umyy4arPAoI&list=PLA50F96057A0B2A2D CAN WE TRUST THE BIBLE?? FULL RESEARCH DOCUMENTARY FILM: https://youtube/watch?v=0Ddy8-B5fKY check out Lifting The Veil facebook team for more and online at cullensmithsvp.wix/liftingtheveil
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 21:57:29 +0000

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