Earlier today, Josh helped Memere pack some of her stuff. He - TopicsExpress


Earlier today, Josh helped Memere pack some of her stuff. He might be a bit anxious to have his apartment back to himself. Then he organized his space back to how it was before Mem and Pop arrived a month ago! THEN....this happened, just now: Josh ~ Memere or somebody took my butter knife out of my drawer. Me ~ What, why would anyone want your butter knife? This was followed by a frantic search (by an exhausted me) for the missing butter knife. I searched through the upstairs kitchen utensil drawer, emptied the clean utensils from the dishwasher, then figured, Ill just try to trick him. So, I take out the good silverware that we use for holidays, find the butter knife and hand it to him saying, someone must have put it away in here. Josh ~ Thats not mine. It has a different handle. I just felt defeated and exhausted. Josh to Memere ~ Im not letting you leave here tomorrow unless you find my knife. OOOOOOMMMMMMMMGGGGGG, can anyone say OOOOOOOCCCCCCCCDDDDDDD? Memere and Poppy head out to the car that is packed and ready to roll at 4:00 a.m. Memere looks through some of her stuff. No one finds the butter knife. Were all standing in the kitchen, I say to him take mine or we could use some of your graduation money to buy a new butter knife. Josh ~ Fine, Ill take yours. Dad ~ Well, what do you use that knife for anyway? Josh ~ Dont know. Everyone is now tucked in bed with the missing butter knife fiasco behind us. WHAT ON EARTH WILL HE COME UP WITH NEXT?
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 02:58:39 +0000

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