Ever reasonable Nigeria students this is a media to kindle our - TopicsExpress


Ever reasonable Nigeria students this is a media to kindle our spirit as a student in Ekiti State University (EKSU) the then UNAD, when u gaze round, you will observe that the school is too boring due to the fact that our interest and right as a student has been jeopardized. I always feel pain and disturb whenever i ask myself this question. Do i possess the right of studentship? This question should reflect on every1 reading this, not only having a matric No qualifies you to be a student but the major thing is your voice being heard whenever you speak as a student, But in Eksu antithesis is the situation and i will go by a quotation that says An institution, organisation or state whereby the voice or the feelings and attention of the youths is not being heard such institution, organisation and state must not have a name Though, most cock- maimed politicians, in their subsequent interest declare a free educational world. But to our demoralized states, We found us committing mistakes for voting in instigators of educational kwashiorkor God save us! I will take us back to the emergence of our state governor Dr.JKF during his quest to become the governor of Ekiti state promising the student that education will be our right and in his word he said a woman selling a locust beans will be able to train her children to the university level because he want change to take place in the academic life where we will have large numbers of learners in the state, every1 see him as the savior, This motivated the student to supported him with the whole of our heart and does the whole kit and caboodle to his emergence, He emerged but after a year issues arises when he promised the present 400l then in 200l not to pay school fees due to because they pay excess payment in 100l and every1 was happy, later he shorn it but the student union government under the leadership of UTILITARIAN alongside with Newton, Ay pro, Milo, Unique, Confidence and all class governors led by Satao and evidence play an active role revolt his otherwise action, this led to prosciption of our dear union because he knows d power of the SUG, Now some student are yet to pay due to INCONSISTENCE AND INDECISION OF OUR STATE GOVERNMENT NOW STUDENT ARE FRUSTRATED TO DROP OUT FROM SCHOOL DUE SKY ROCKETING INCREAMENT OF SCHOOL FEES. The man whom we have trusted before never deserve our support again.. comr SATAO says the power still belong to the student... We shall never rest until our good is better and our better best.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 03:51:59 +0000

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