"Evil is Powerless if the Good are Unafraid" “Evil is powerless - TopicsExpress


"Evil is Powerless if the Good are Unafraid" “Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid. That’s why the Marxist vision of man without God must eventually be seen as an empty and a false faith—the second oldest in the world—first proclaimed in the Garden of Eden with whispered words of temptation: ‘Ye shall be as gods.’ The crisis of the Western world, Whittaker Chambers reminded us, exists to the degree in which it is indifferent to God... This is the real task before us: to reassert our commitment as a nation to a law higher than our own, to renew our spiritual strength. Only by building a wall of such spiritual resolve can we, as a free people, hope to protect our own heritage and make it someday the birthright of all men.” —Ronald Reagan It’s astounding that we hear pundits and talking heads speaking of the end of the Reagan era. The quote above was at the very core of Ronald Reagan’s philosophy and outlook; it is in fact at the core of the American foundation. And it has never been more relevant; never more in tune with the nation’s great needs today. If evil today—outwardly appearing in the form of a collapsing worldwide economy and massive decline in individual wealth and savings—seems to be growing in power, and good people seem increasingly afraid, it is because we are living under an American Presidency that wholeheartedly embraces ‘the Marxist vision of man without God’. (If you need chapter and verse of why this is so, review this Brushfires Essay “Let’s Get Real About the Crisis Facing America” —written before the 2008 election.) Barack Obama is a godless intellectual with a Marxist philosophy determined to bring revolution to America, which is to say to undermine and ultimately destroy the Christian foundation of this country and replace it with a godless, socialist utopia. Countless Christians are utterly hypnotized and clueless about what is going on, naively whimpering about what a nice and articulate guy he seems to be, pointing to the fact that he claims to now be a Christian (after having been raised a Muslim), and generally trying to comfort themselves that, gee, this is America and Obama is an American, isn’t he, so everything will be ok, won’t it? No, it won’t—not until enough of us wake up to this evil, are willing to name it as such, and demand its immediate removal from all positions of authority in this nation. As Reagan put it, “this is the real task before us: to reassert our commitment as a nation to a law higher than our own, to renew our spiritual strength. Only by building a wall of such spiritual resolve can we, as a free people, hope to protect our own heritage…”. How do we accomplish this task? Let’s start by recognizing the spirit of the American founding as linked to God’s love for humanity. Calvin Coolidge and John Quincy Adams spoke eloquently of the spiritual inspiration behind American’s founding documents; so have many others. This really was descended from a law higher than our own, and our ancestors’ honoring of it promoted the spectacular success of the nation in the 200+ years of its existence. Let’s next remember that the central precept of America is individual freedom and responsibility under God. Through the first two centuries of honoring this precept, the nation became the most prosperous and the most generous nation in the history of humanity. We hear confused Christians wondering ‘what’s so bad about socialism?’ The naivete behind this question tends to equate socialism with humanism and do-goodism—as nothing more than the benevolent use of government to effect a more even distribution of wealth— and, gee, didn’t Jesus generally support this idea? No, he didn’t. He talked about one kingdom, but it wasn’t a kingdom of some men telling other men what they could or couldn’t do. Don’t get lost in academic debates about a precise meaning for the word ‘socialism’—ask (and pray) for discernment as to where exactly is God and the idea of free men and women of His creation in all the plans and maneuverings being pursued by this administration. Don’t be deceived by some ritual invocation of “God bless America” after the end of a speech, but listen to discern whether there is humble trust and faith in free men and women following the one God. You’ll find the relentless message of this administration calls for trust and faith in the wisdom and gifted oratory of Obama, which is anything but humble and is in fact a bland denial of the place, relevance and power of the one God. It is a substitution of Obama and government for God, and it could not be more malevolent and destructive to human freedom and Christian religion. Just look at what happened to each and every nation that has ever been governed by Marxism. Marxism has always been at war with Christianity and with America, and it is today. Once we’re clearer about the divine inspiration behind the founding of America, alert to defend the principle of individual freedom and responsibility under God, aware of the evil purpose and intent of Marxism—and recognize that it is at war with us right now, a few important things will happen. First, we’ll be less afraid, because we’ve identified the problem, and it can’t continue to have power unless we let it. America’s founding principles are anchored in God’s truth; they aren’t going to be defeated or destroyed. Second, we’ll start finding the courage to speak out against the evil. Again, so many Christians are cowed by the idea of being critical of anyone, and overwhelming cowed by the idea of criticizing Obama because of his African-American background. But Christians, of all people, ought to be able to see through skin color as a factor of any kind, and certainly not a barrier to denouncing evil. The evil that is being perpetrated has nothing to do with race; it has everything to do with God and His place in the nation’s heart and soul, and it affects the entire human race. Third, when we’re not afraid and we’re speaking out against this evil, we can expect to see the needed change, either in the thinking of those in high office, or in the removal of them. The task spelled out by Ronald Reagan now awaits a new era. May we rise to fulfill it. Paul Gable
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 11:34:34 +0000

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