FABULOUS NARRATIVE BY JIM JONES: I dont see any more here other - TopicsExpress


FABULOUS NARRATIVE BY JIM JONES: I dont see any more here other than pure and simple politics, arrogance, and stupidity. Those qualities have defined the Obama Presidency. You see a conspiracy; I see a bunch of progressive amateurs who I would not trust with a burnt-out match, incompetent to govern, good only at dividing us by race, class, and gender after promising to lead post-racially and to make us all part of the One America Obama supposedly dreamed of. Yeah. We do NOT fully understand Ebola. Saying we do is just plan stupid. The science of Ebola is no more settled than the science of climate change. Ebola and climate change have one thing in common: smug arrogance from the left. There is NO such thing as settled science. It does not exist. We can NEVER know all there is to know. I was a trained biologist (not a very good one) and there is plenty I dont know. But I do know one thing for certain: that nothing in science is EVER settled. Just because a lefty activist or zealot says it is doesnt make it so, no matter how wealthy and famous and trendy that lefty may be. It is so EASY to be a progressive. You literally do not have to think or to argue. Your way is nearly always clear. It seems to take a lot more courage these days to come out as a conservative than to come out in other ways. My view, anyway. The African people have their own issues. Colonialism notwithstanding, Africans seem to be their own worst enemies. Eating your own people for dinner, committing genocide against another tribe, the crimes of Boko Haram, raping and murdering and pillaging while one tinpot dictator replaces another. It is the African who cuts down his own trees and kills his rare animals and engages in tribal warfare and leaves machetes embedded in Dian Fossey. As the population has grown and poverty has become even more endemic, the people of Africa have destroyed forests and natural resources in many areas, putting people in close proximity to animals, and have taken to eating dogs and bush meat that is infected naturally with Ebola, which is a naturally-occurring virus, which may have started this epidemic. There are stories of packs of starving dogs digging up dead Ebola victims and consuming them in Liberia. (Dogs with Ebola are asymptomatic). The humans consume the dogs and other infected animals and the predictable result occurs. Enter our idiots, who cannot put the nations interests ahead of the progressive Democratic agenda for even one moment, and the last piece of the puzzle appears -- they will not protect the country in time. Ebola has outrun the world including our liberal left allies in Europe who are also playing politics; our leaderships approach is like playing Whack-a-Mole at the carnival (an apt analogy from the WSJ this morning). I dont believe Ebola was unleashed by Obama or was created in a lab. I believe nature unleashed it, and that the inaction of Obama and his politicals enabled it to spread. The southern border remains open. Who knows who is coming across? What if someone weaponizes/aerosolizes Ebola and lets it go in Manhattan or downtown DC? Dont think ISIS hasnt thought of it already. Whats the governments plan to stop that? We got trouble coming. Man-caused. Period. Full stop.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:26:43 +0000

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