FIRST STORY!!!! Princess Polly When I was a kid, I used to - TopicsExpress


FIRST STORY!!!! Princess Polly When I was a kid, I used to love dolls. I used to love it when my mum and dad came through the door and presented me with a new one. But one doll changed my whole view on them. I was about 6, and my mum and dad came home from shopping, and my dad said, Well, we said we wouldnt buy you anything, but we found this doll for you Rachael, and we thought you’d like it. I loved the doll, and I named it Princess Polly. It would never leave my side unless I had to go to school. Then my mum and dad brought a new doll home. A doll I liked even better than Princess Polly, because it was wearing a tiara and I could pretend it was a real princess even easier. I forgot all about Princess Polly until the dreams started. It was just little things at first, like seeing Princess Polly in a corner of a room or something. I would wake up and forget about the dream, but after these dreams started, I would be way too scared to go to sleep at night, but I didnt know why. The dreams got worse. Instead of just seeing Polly in a corner, she would be standing right in front of me, just staring at me. Maybe she would say my name, just my name. But instead of one voice, it was a thousand voices. Those voices would scare the hell out of me, and I would feel my heart beating faster, but I couldnt wake up, her eyes would lock on mine and I wouldnt be able to look away. I wouldnt be able to wake up until she blinked, and when I woke up it would be the same time every morning. 6:49 am. The dreams got harder to forget the worse they got. About 3 weeks after the dreams started was when they got really bad. Instead of her just saying my name, she would say sentences. She would say Why did you forget me Rachael? Why did you stop playing with me? Why dont you love me? She would repeat this over and over again. Her voices sounding angrier and angrier Getting louder and louder She would get closer and closer I would try to run, but I wouldnt be able to move. I would be staring into her eyes. Watching as they turned from her glazy blue dolls eyes into deep, red demon eyes. I would feel ill and dizzy and lightheaded and the closer she got to me, the more intense the feelings got, until I was so disorientated that I wasnt sure if I was standing or sitting, if it was a dream or if it was real. Then, when the feelings were almost too much to handle, I would get this sudden, horrific moment of clarity, when Polly was right in front of me, her face so close to mine I could feel her breath, and she wouldnt say anything. She would stare into my eyes, into me, and I would feel as if she was grabbing my soul and trying to wrench it out of me. I would wake up screaming, sweating and shaking. Not able to forget her eyes. Not able to forget the pure fear that I had felt. Not able to forget what she had said. I was getting so worried about the dreams that I thought that maybe if I found her, maybe if I apologized to her, maybe the dreams would stop. Each day I would search for her, and each day I wouldnt find her. I knew she was hiding from me. I knew she was enjoying watching me suffer. I was so scared about having another dream that I would do everything I could to stop me from falling to sleep. I would sing, I would dance, I would read, I would listen to music; I would do everything I could think of to stay awake, all to no avail. I swear she was making me tired. I swear she was the one making me fall asleep so she could torture me. I knew she couldnt hurt me when I was awake, when I wasnt sleeping, when she wasnt in my head. Well, I was so sure she couldnt. I was wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong. I was beginning to be able to stay awake for longer. Either she was losing her powers, or I was getting stronger. Either way it was good. Even though I did eventually fall asleep, and the dreams were worse than ever, they were getting shorter. One night, I was going to make it through the whole night without sleeping. I knew I was going to do it, I was looking at the clock and getting so hopeful, feeling like I was finally going to win, but I was wrong. She wasnt getting weaker. Well, actually, she had been, but she was angry. Angry at the fact that I was going to stay up, angry that she wouldnt be able to make me suffer in my dreams. So she decided to make me suffer in the real world. I started to know things were going wrong when I heard things start to move under my bed. I heard paper fluttering; I heard toys crashing onto the floor. I heard boxes being shoved out of her way. I heard her moving one of the four big boxes that were all under my bed. I heard it scraping across the floor. I was so scared. I didnt believe it was happening. She couldnt do that. She could only hurt me in my dreams; I was so sure of that, well, I had been so sure of it. I didnt fully believe what was happening until I saw her crawling out from under my bed. I thought if I tried to apologize, she might stop it. So I tried to apologize. And she didnt listen. I am so sorry, I didnt mean to forget you. Honestly, I didnt. And I do still love you, please, stop it, I promise Ill play with you, just no more dreams, please! When I had started speaking I had been whispering, and I had sounded calm, but as I watched her stand up and move towards me, I had become more panicked, and I had spoken louder, and my voice had been full of fear. When I finished talking, she laughed. Its a sound that I will NEVER forget. It sounded like a thousand laughs all at once, and it felt as if they were rebounding around in my head, and ripping at my soul. She stared at me, but where her once beautiful, blue glass eyes had once been, were deep black holes, with pupils of bright, burning red, and they burned into me. She started talking and it sounded worse in real life than it ever could have in dreams. She said No. No apologising. Im having too much fun to stop now. Then she smiled this twisted smile, and the pain began. She screamed a horrible, high-pitched shriek and it felt like my ear drums had burst and my brain had exploded. I dont remember much after that. I was in and out of consciousness. I remember being thrown around the room, like I was the doll. I remember hitting my head on the wall, and it bleeding, I remember screaming for help, wondering how my mum and dad were sleeping through it all. I remember her standing over me, looking at me with a look of pure evil. “You forgot me. Now I’m gonna make you pay” she said. I remember a huge sharp pain in my head, and then nothing much else. Ive tried, but I cant. The bits I remember are all fuzzy now. All I remember is that she had been dragging me somewhere, digging her claws into my leg, I can remember feeling the warm blood running down my leg. I can remember her claws disappearing and I can remember that she stopped dragging me. But what I remember most? Looking at the time. It was 6:49 am. I looked at Polly, seeing her lying there, powerless, I knew that I had to get rid of her. I had to destroy her. I think that I stomped on her head and deformed it, and then I just continually kicked her until she was completely deformed. I remember her eyes not being there. I looked all around the house for her eyes, feeling that I had to get rid of her all. I didn’t find them. They are still in my house. I remember putting her into a plastic bag, then into a bigger, heavier bag that was in the cupboard. We were going on holiday, so I decided to leave her there somewhere. I dug a hole really deep, deep enough to fit me standing up in it. I put the bag in the bottom, and I buried it. As I was walking away from her, I swear I heard her say Im gonna get you Rachael! At the time I paid no attention to her. But that was then. This is now. I think that shes back. I think that Polly has found me. I think that I was right about needing to get rid of all of her. I think she hid her eyes somewhere in the house, I think she knew that I was going to get rid of her. She used her eyes to keep watch on me. She’s been watching me all this time. I keep on seeing her in my dreams, just like I used to at the beginning. But instead of her just being in the corner, there is always a message next to her. Always the same. It says Im gonna get you Rachael! Im getting tired now. Oh god. Please help me. What do you think???
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 19:39:37 +0000

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