FOLKS, lets cut to the chase. Congress and that would include ALL - TopicsExpress


FOLKS, lets cut to the chase. Congress and that would include ALL Republicans/Democrats know the facts, the truth, the EVERYTHING that occurred in Libya down to bottom line. They have known for 19 months and if they assume were not on to them; they are underestimating our intelligence and ability to see through the POLITICAL MUD!! The very last bump Obama and his thugs wanted just weeks away from the election was to RILE UP the middle east by sending our jets to take out the muslims who were behind this vicious attack. O wanted NO negative publicity, no pictures that would fan the fires. SO, he and his fellow parasites made a deliberate decision.......... POLITICS OVER LIVES. This regime would rather let Americans die and consider them merely bumps in the road............. THAN TO LOSE AN ELECTION and risk bad PR! O wanted NO dark clouds hanging over his victory come November. Albeit, massive voter fraud lent Obama the helping hand to steal the election from Romney. Gowdy knows this, Boehner knows this........they all do..........anyone with a functional brain can clearly see what their intent was. THEN.... they went to Plan B! Get all the Obama Owned Networks ( the alphabet media) to ignore, diffuse and distort and COVER UP the truth regarding Benghazi. AND the birth of THE COVER UP began and continues to cover up the the original cover up! I loathe the word cover up ---- O has taken it to a evil, vile and deadly level.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 20:23:45 +0000

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