FREEDOM! It is the natural state of the human being. If it is - TopicsExpress


FREEDOM! It is the natural state of the human being. If it is taken from us we will fight to regain it, we will even kill to live free once more. This was true, in the past, when the shackles were made of iron and still holds true now when the shackles are made of a corrupt government creating overreaching laws and directives. Once upon a time America championed freedom all over the world but especially within our own borders. We stood like a giant, bravely, as a beacon in the darkness of a world gone mad. We had principals and moral authority because we lived by the ideals which we espoused to the rest of the world. This country was built upon the Bill of Rights which limited the scope of government’s reach into our lives. It was built upon the idea that if you worked hard and fulfilled a need then there was no limit to how high you could soar. Sadly, this is no longer the case. We, slowly, over time treaded on a slippery slope giving a freedom away here and a freedom away there until the Homeland Security Act of 2002 became the last nail in the coffin of American ideology. We traded bravery for caution, we became small. In short, the terrorist won. We allowed their actions to change the fabric of American government, how America worked. We allowed them to turn America into the onerous bully that they claimed to be fighting against. Americans are waking up to the bully that American government has become with the recent government scandals in the news. Examples being: Government wire taps of the media, The IRS targeting political enemies, The U.S. government disregarding and attacking the Second Amendment, Drone strikes killing U.S. citizens depriving them of the due process guaranteed to them under the constitution, Detaining U.S. citizens absent due process while denying them access to council and due process or even a trial. Does this sound like the America that you pledged allegiance to in your youth? It does not to me. In sounds more like Nazi Germany or the communist U.S.S.R.. I do not point these things out to bash America. I love this country and the ideas that it was founded on. I point these things out because we can’t fix the problems with this great nation if we don’t first identify them. If you find this appraisal of our government correct then I encourage you to stand up and let your voice be heard in the halls of congress. Stand against the oppression in your home and your neighborhood. It is not too late to reclaim the American ideal.
Posted on: Wed, 29 May 2013 21:37:24 +0000

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