Fall of Israel in 2022 We are presenting a book called End - TopicsExpress


Fall of Israel in 2022 We are presenting a book called End of Israel in 2022, written by a Palestinian, Sunni Islamic scholar, named Bassam Jarrar. He wrote the first draft of this book in Lebanon, after being deported by Israel in 1993. This is our translation of Bassam Jarrars book as published in Arabic. It is a modified version of a translation done by Bassam Jarrar. Our version more accurately captures the essence of the original book in Arabic. We have also modified the translation of some of the verses (Bassam Jarrar used Yusuf Alis translation of the Quran). Furthermore, we have added Quranic verses in Arabic whereas Bassam Jarrars translation mentions only English translation of the verses. We highly respect Mr. Jarrar and greatly admire his book, but Mr. Jarrar is NOT associated with Discoveringislam.org . To read the Arabic original version of Bassam Jarrars book, click here: زوال إسـرائيل عام 2022م Bassam Jarrars book (in English) is divided into 2 large Chapters: 1. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Quranic prophecies about Children of Israel and the corruption they spread. Page 1 of Bassam Jarrars book Page 2 of Bassam Jarrars book 2. Chapter 2: The author uses various Mathematical methods to decode the secrets of relevant verses. He arrives at amazing results such as year 2022 being the year in which Israel will very likely end. Page 3 of Bassam Jarrars book Page 4 of Bassam Jarrars book If you dont have time to read the whole book, we recommend that you read at least Chapter 2 (Page 3 & 4). Conquest of Jerusalem & Israel The following Hadiths and Athar about the conquest of Jerusalem seem to indicate that Muslims may conquer Jerusalem even before the Mahdi. However, all of the following Hadiths and Athar are considered weak: Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: (Armies carrying) Black Flags will come from Khorasan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eelya إيلياء (Jerusalem) where they will erect their flags. (Tirmizi) أخرج ( ك ) نعيم بن حماد (902) عن كعب [ بن ] علقمة [ عن سفيان الكلبي ] قال: يخرج على لواء المهدي غلام حديث السن, خفيف اللحية, أصفر, لو قاتل الجبال لهدها, حتى ينزل أيلياء Kab bin Alqama based on Sufyan Al-Kalbi said: Leading the army of the Mahdi will be a young man, with light (meaning not thick) beard, yellow complexion. If he fights mountains, he would crumble them, until he lands in Eelya (Jerusalem). (Nuaim bin Hammads Kitab Al-Fitan) أخرج ( ك ) نعيم بن حماد (894) عن محمد بن الحنفية قال: تخرج راية سوداء لبني العباس, ثم تخرج من خراسان أخرى سوادء, قلانسهم سود و ثيابهم بيض, على مقدمتهم رجل يقال له : شعيب بن صالح [ بن شعيب ], من تميم, يهزمون أصحاب السفياني حتى ينزل ببيت المقدس , و يوطئ للمهدي سلطانه, ويمد إليه ثلاثمائة من الشام , يكون بين خروجه وبين أن يسلم الأمر للمهدي اثنان وسبعون شهرا Muhammad bin Al-Hanafia, said: A black banner (army battalion) of Bani Al-Abbas ( family of Prophet Mohammads صلى الله عليه وسلم uncle, Al-Abbas) will come out . Then, another black banner (army battalion) will come from Khorasan. Their turbans are black and their clothes are white. At their front end will be a man named Shuayb bin Salih, from Tamim (tribe) . They will defeat supporters of the Sufyani (and proceed further) until he (Shuayb bin Salih) arrives to Jerusalem (where) he will lay the foundation for the Mahdis (future) dominion. He will be supplied with three hundred (men) from AshSham (Syria). From the time, he comes out (from Khorasan) until he hands over the matter (rule) to the Mahdi, there will be seventy two months (six years). (Nuaim Ibn Hammads Kitab Al-Fitan) حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن الهيثم بن عبد الرحمن عمن حدثه عن علي بن أبي طالب رضى الله عنه قال يخرج رجل قبل المهدي من أهل بيته بالمشرق يحمل السيف على عاتقه ثمانية أشهر يقتل ويمثل ويتوجه إلى بيت المقدس فلا يبلغه حتى يموت Al-Haytham bin Abd-Al-Rahman narrated based someone that Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.), who is the cousin, son-in-law, and the 4th successor (Caliph) of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: A man will come out from the East before the Mahdi, from his Household (family), carrying a sword for 8 months, killing and maiming people. He heads toward Jerusalem and dies once he reaches (conquers) it. (Nuaim Ibn Hammads Kitab Al-Fitan) حدثنا الوليد عن روح بن أبي العيزار قال حدثني عبد الرحمن بن آدم الأودي قال سمعت عبد الرحمن بن الغاز بن ربيعة الجرشي يقول سمعت عمرو بن مرة الجملي صاحب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول لتخرجن من خراسان راية سوداء حتى تربط خيولها بهذا الزيتون الذي بين بيت لهيا وحرستا قلنا [ ما نرى ] ما بين هاتين زيتونة قال سينصب بينهما زيتون حتى ينزلها أهل تلك الراية فتربط خيولها بها قال عبد الله بن آدم وحدثت بهذا الحديث عبد الرحمن بن سليمان فقال إنما يربط بها أهل الراية السواء الثانية التي تخرج على الراية الأولى فإذا نزلوها خرج عليهم خارجي من أهل هذه فلا يجد من أهل الراية الأولى إلا مختفيا فيهزمهم Amr Bin Marra Al-Jamli said that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: Surely, (armies carrying) Black Flags from Khorasan will go out until a group (of them) will tie their horse leashes to the Olive Trees between Beit Lahia (in Gaza district, Palestine) and Harasta (near Damascus, Syria). We said: There is not any Olive tree between these two (places)? He said, Olive trees) will be grown there so that those people (of Khorasan) will come and tie their horses there.” (Nuaim bin Hammads book Kitab Al-Fitan) يا ابن حوالة ! إذا رأيت الخلافة قد نزلت الأرض المقدسة فقد دنت الزلازل و البلابل و الأمور العظام و الساعة يومئذ أقرب من الناس من يدي هذه من رأسك Ibn Hawalah narrated that he Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: O Ibn Hawalah! If you live to see the seat of the Caliphate in Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), then, earthquakes, disasters and great calamities are imminent. The Hour will be closer to people than this hand of mine to your head! (Al-Haakim)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 06:11:38 +0000

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