Father, good morning. Before I do anything else this day, I want - TopicsExpress


Father, good morning. Before I do anything else this day, I want to take the time to give thanksgiving, honor, praise and glory to you, and you alone. Thank you for another blessing of today and being allowed to seek your holy and precious face. Thank you for all that you are to me, my father, my friend, my comforter, my healer, my deliverer, my joy, my strength, my hope, my future, my confidant, my warrior, my defender, my strong tower, my wisdom, my everlasting peace. Father, I ask a special blessing over my husband today. That Elmer, be filled with your presence. That he seek your face in each and everything that he does today. That he is a living example of true and utter holiness professing the kingdom and declaring your works as you guide his every thought, word and step. May he find favor with those above him, under him, and around him. Let everything be done decent and in order according to your holy direction. May he end this day rejoicing in the wonders of your mighty hand. Father, bless my children as they also move about this day. To include Joseph Raines...since he is now living with us, he is more like ours, always has been. Father, I ask that you order their steps, and the steps of Jasons family and children also. May they draw near to you, and not of the things of this world. This stuff is temporal and all that truly is, is with you alone. Their hope and futures lye only with you Father. Let them not be confounded by the things of this earth, being caught up in the wants, and have nots...knowing that you are Jehovah Jireh their provider, you give them more than enough and just what they need and when they need it. Let them find friends that are like minded, that bless them and for Jason his family also. Let them come to have a one to one experience with you today that will change the very fabric of their beings. Bringing them ever so close to you. Being a godly example and witness to the kingdom of your holiness. Bless Schealiesa as she is healing from her cold. Give her the strength she needs to head to work and do the best job she can. Father, send someone to share a good ministry with her. Build her up physically, spiritually and mentally this day Lord. Let the stress and frustrations of life be surpassed with your love, grace, mercy and gentleness. Pour into her your spirit of compassion and fortitude, not attitude. Bless her this day and all that she touches. Renew in her a right spirit and restore unto her your salvation. Thank you for the favor over my dad and mom. Thank you that his surgery went well, and that his healing is quick and that the results of the testing will bring nothing but glorious praise and adoration to you. Father, perform a true miracle in this situation. Let others see what you alone have done. Bless mom and dad, keep them in your ever loving care and increase in them the continued example to those around them of what you have chosen for them. Let others now step up to support and encourage them. Those they have helped along the way to give of themselves to help during dads recovery time. Putting away their own thoughts, opinions and selves. May they not just call and ask is there anything you need, but to show up and just lend a hand, not looking for anything in return. Bless all my family members. Heal them from the shortness of their own lives. Extend unto them your grace, mercy and love. Those that say they know you, I pray that they come to know you even more...letting their lights shine before men that others see their good works and it glorifies you in heaven. Bringing others nearer to the cross. Father supply their needs, as only you can do. For those that have either separated themselves or are deceived by their own thoughts and deeds, let them renew their relationship with you. Father in these troubled times, we cannot help but to draw near you. So much foolishness happening, people thinking they can live any kind of lifestyle before you and profess true Christianity, bringing children up to be so tolerant of the things of this world and not of the holy things of your kingdom. Living however they so choose not realizing that there is an accountability we will all have to give an in the end. Thinking that they have time to do what they want, and be able to profess Jesus as Lord and Savior before they close their eyes. Not so, today is the day of salvation and as your word tells me, we do not know the day or the hour when the son of man shall return. It is time to get it right and stop doing what we want to do and saying what we want to say. Those with families, not being the heads of households and being forever complimenting their spouses, not showing and sharing in their childrens lives, to the point of knowing they are Godly men and women. Losing respect of their children. Supporting their spouses on every hand, and being there to be good counsel and making decisions together as one. Bless Eva as she prepares to fly home today. Bless her trip, shorten her layover and let her arrive home in a decent hour to be able to rest and recooperate before heading back to work. Let all things be as she left them. Encamp your angels about her as she travels, let every part in the plane work as you have designed and thank you in advance for the great work you are doing in and through her. Her gentle and kind heart and spirit. The true love she has for her family and friends. Bring her your peace that passes all understanding. Gird her with your strength in all things Lord. Thank you for my friends and all my Military family as well. I pray a special blessing and covering over them also Lord. This day bless and keep them, make your face to shine upon them. Father, I just want to be careful to give you all the honor and glory today. Confessing my sins before you and asking forgiveness for anything in me that is not like you. Let my words and deeds be glorifying and edifying to you, and those around me. Let not my heart be weary in well doing and that my thoughts and words be sweet as honey. When I have to stand for what is right, let me do so with the admonition of your guidance. Seeking you first in all things. This I pray in Jesus precious name. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 10:35:29 +0000

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