Fellow Conservatives: President Obama has unlawfully issued an - TopicsExpress


Fellow Conservatives: President Obama has unlawfully issued an executive order granting amnesty to five million illegal immigrants without congressional approval. It violates the Constitution and undermines the rule of law!! Republicans must stop this unlawful action by preventing the administration from using taxpayer money to carry it out. The Constitution gives Congress the power of the purse and Congress must use this authority to stop the presidents amnesty. If Congress fails to defund the presidents executive order, it will cede its lawmaking authority to the president and undermine the checks and balances that protect our freedoms. Please support the effort in the Senate to defund the presidents unlawful amnesty by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more. We cant sit on our hands. Everyone needs to join this fight! Make a contribution now and help us support the efforts of conservatives like Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Jeff Sessions (R-AL) who are doing everything they can to put the brakes on this dangerous policy. This is a fight Republicans in Congress can win if they unite in opposition to the president and refuse to fund his executive order. Democrats were defeated this year for supporting the presidents policies. If Republicans hold strong, they can put enormous pressure on the Democrats to abandon the president on this issue. Unfortunately, some Republicans in Washington either support amnesty or dont have the courage to stand up to the president. These spineless Republicans will surrender unless they fear a fight with the voters more than they fear a fight with the president. Will you help us stiffen their spines? CONSERVATIVE ACTION PLAN Winning this fight requires a well-executed plan that reaches millions of Americans and mobilizes them to make their voices heard. We also need to be prepared to run hard-hitting ads that shine a light on specific politicians who refuse to listen to we the people. This goes for Republicans too. If they refuse to defend the Constitution, their records should be exposed and they should be challenged in their next primary by a true conservative. Please help us put pressure on these lawmakers by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more right now. Your support will help us get conservatives across the country to contact their congressmen and senators. It will help us mobilize activists in key states to put maximum pressure on the individual lawmakers who will determine the outcome of this debate. And it will help us run effective ads that pressure Democrats to abandon the president on this critical issue. Thank you for your consideration and thank you for standing up for the principles of freedom that make America great. Sincerely, Ken Cuccinelli II President, Senate Conservatives Fund Former Attorney General of Virginia P.S. Please forward this email to your family and friends so they can help us stop the presidents unlawful amnesty! \\ Senate Conservatives Action is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies and helps elect conservative candidates to the U.S. Senate. \
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:54:41 +0000

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