Fellow Pommy Mommy Christine has a question on a subject that is - TopicsExpress


Fellow Pommy Mommy Christine has a question on a subject that is not always pretty but its very important to our Pomeranians health! If you have an answer for her quelstion, please comment below! Does anyone have a pommy with anal gland issues? Sometimes Gia leaks. When this happens I know they need to be expressed. I took her to be groomed . I know the groomer took care of her but she is scooting on her bottom. This happened once before with a different groomer so I know its not the groomer. I was told that the vet can express more thoroughly than a groomer. Does anyone else have this problem with their pom? Is there anything I can give her or do for her to ease this problem?
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 19:00:01 +0000

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