Feminism: The advocacy of womens rights on the grounds of - TopicsExpress


Feminism: The advocacy of womens rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Given that (for the most part) typically standard and agreed upon definition, I hope we are all feminists. Even if with varying degrees. And I know Im naive because I find it hard to believe there is anyone out there that truly believes women should be paid less or have lower social standing than men. Hopefully, Im more idealistic than naive but there can be a lot of overlap with those two things. I truly envision a day were words arent needed to describe these things anymore and people will look back on societies shortcomings in disbelief. Unfortunately, we are not there yet but movements like feminism (how ever you define it) are the ones forging a path towards equality. I definitely dont mean to over simplify or trivialize this. The feminist movement goes a lot deeper than just the topic of equal pay. This video touches upon some serious and disturbing issues within society: Stop telling girls how to dress and start teaching boys not to fvcking rape. This video may be disturbing to some people but it makes a strong point. And its not nearly as offensive as Time Magazine putting the word feminist in its 2014 poll of words we should ban, along side turnt and previous winner twerk. time/3576870/worst-words-poll-2014/
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:35:15 +0000

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