Ferguson police’s attempts to demonize Michael Brown, the - TopicsExpress


Ferguson police’s attempts to demonize Michael Brown, the unarmed African-American teen killed by Officer Darren Wilson, may have hit a small snag. The very video they released at the same time as they identified Wilson as the officer responsible for shooting Brown six times, including twice in the head, may show the opposite of what they intended. Supposedly, the video shows Brown robbing the store, taking a box of cigars. However, the attorney for Ferguson Market says that it was not anyone from the store that called police to report a robbery. In fact, a customer called to report what he viewed as a robbery. How, then, did police get the tape? According to St. Louis News, the attorney said, “‘during the course of Ferguson’s investigation, the police department from Ferguson, came to the store and asked for to review the tape.” In other words, the tape was not viewed by police until after Michael Brown was dead in the street. In their fervent effort to cast Brown in a negative light, they missed that the video seems to show Brown paying for the Swisher Sweets.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 20:18:08 +0000

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