Fighting back tears as I watch this, thinking of how my father - TopicsExpress


Fighting back tears as I watch this, thinking of how my father would react in this situation. Israel is still claiming to be reacting responsibly with proportional force, however NOT ONE Hamas rocket has killed A SINGLE Israeli civilians as of yet, but the death toll on the Palestinian side speaks volumes to the skewed system of power, wealth and suffering in this perplexing political state system. I cant believe this is happening in 2014. Who still has the audacity to claim that Apartheid ended intra-state segregation? Firstly, I would like to point out that not many people today would claim that Mandela and the ANC was wrong to take up arms against blatant discrimination and unjust living conditions within a system that favored some and impoverished others. They bared the criticism and kept fighting at the time, and history has later resurrected their moral right to defend themselves as a people against a gruesome reality and a skewed propaganda machinery. Instead of talking about Hamas and the desperate people that throw their support behind their radicalism in hope of better days, how about we focus on all the new settlements that Israel is STILL announcing making a complete mockery of international diplomacy and continuously pushing Palestinians further and further out of the country that they have cultivated for centuries? This behaviour continuously diminishes the importance of the lives theyve built, their memories and their aspirations as human beings and family units, as workers, fathers, daugthers, and bearers of culture and it it should not surprise many that violent responses surface. In a move that surprised absolutely no one, Palestinians once again saw Israel kick U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry out the door by announcing 272 new homes in two West Bank settlements at the beginning of this year. What are the Palestinians suppose to do? Continue to suffer or resist? This is not about proportional violence... This is about the misery, injustice and discrimination that causes people to resort to such violence in the first place. That is where Israel needs to start their responsible reactions if a peaceful co-existence is to be achieved. There are no levels to human worth and as long as this notion is not reflected in Israeli policies I will continue to dismiss claims of alleged self-defense. Children are children, and they are mourned by their families in all corners of the globe. Denying the relevance of their deaths should not be permitted to orient our political morality simply because they are not from a privileged standing.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:30:43 +0000

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