Find below press release. CHANGAMWE, Mombasa Nov 2 – Machakos - TopicsExpress


Find below press release. CHANGAMWE, Mombasa Nov 2 – Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua has called on leaders to exercise tolerance and respect each other’s opinion. Speaking after attending a church service at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Changamwe in Mombasa Dr. Mutua condemned political leaders for negotiating for political positions at the expense of development projects. “Every time elections are about the corner, our leaders form coalitions based on their tribes. Each of them bargains for a position for themselves in the government with none asking for a project for their community. Time has changed. Kenyans have woken up and want leaders who bring roads, water and employ youths,” Dr. Mutua added. The Machakos Governor challenged leaders to work together for the sake of development. He particularly challenged CORD leaders Raila Odinga and KalonzoMusyoka to use their vast international networks to bring money for development in Kenya instead of engaging in endless politicking. After the church service, Dr Mutua addressed a rally at Changamwe Akamba arts where the jubilant crowd encouraged him to continue with the “good work of development that he has been undertaking in Machakos.” Speaking during the same service, Yatta legislator Francis Mwangangi warned Wiper leader KalonzoMusyoka of dire consequences should his party continue supporting the court case to remove the physically handicapped Bishop Mutemi from parliament. “How can a man who claims to be born again be the one engineering the removal from parliament of a Bishop who is a minister in the church?” lamented Mwangangi. Machakos MP Dr Munyaka who had just returned from an official trip in Israel gave the Biblical story of Herod ordering the killing of baby boys after the birth of Christ, likening it to the present day politicians who are using all means possible to block Dr. Mutua from ascending to the top. “The star has risen. And like Moi said of Uhuru that he would one day be president, I hereby declare that Dr Mutua will be ‘something’ in this country” Munyaka said amid cheers. Mwala MP Engineer Vincent Musyoka was scathing in his assessment of the past political leaders in lower Eastern region stating that they had nothing to show despite their long spells in vital positions. He also called on the region to rally behind the governor so that the region is not left behind in development. On his part, former Kibwezi legislator Kalembe Ndile criticized recent manhandling of ODM Executive Director Hon Magerer Lang’at at Orange House. Borrowing from the famous phrase by ODM supporters ‘Baba while you were away’ Kalembe said, “Baba while you were looking on Magerer was beaten.” He also questioned the internal democracy and integrity in parties saying that some political outfits did not deserve the chance to lead the nation. END.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 16:13:20 +0000

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