Find me here, LORD as you draw me near.. Im desperate for you. I - TopicsExpress


Find me here, LORD as you draw me near.. Im desperate for you. I want to know you more. I surrender. I hunger and thirst. I surrender. There are many long nights when I take time to thank God for everything hes done in my life. Its incredible to know that hes in control and that I dont have to be, otherwise I havent a clue where Id be. He has the power to reverse our thinking and to truly speak to us. Some of those conversations Ive had with him have been the best. LORD, have your way in me. Like a mighty storm, stir within my soul. Hes shown me more about how to live like him instead of losing sight of who I was in previous years... to not be deceived by our enemy... for us to know that our life here on earth is so insignificant compared to eternity and our purpose here. This Friday will be a big day for me and as it should happen the way its meant to (cough), Ill be well on my way next year. I suppose I write these like journal entries. Thats what youre suppose to do anyways, right? I cant help it- that Im so blessed to have Lauren Hunter Nicole Tal Ariel Michala Mackenzie Jake Marina Thomas Nicole Anne Ritika Warren Sofia Tina Bailey Samantha Shayne Coley Cerise Hannah Taylor and Alexis. [And of course, my cousins and family and the many others I have not listed because its barely 1 am like Lauryn Williams] I know its been a roller coaster and Ive decided to (attempt) to make my moves more personal.. (lol) since theyve changed so much but my paths been set straight. Know that I think of you guys often and you all mean the world to me. I really dont think Id be here without your love. I gave up trying to act so strong since my mom left... and Warren.. you know how hard it was for me to utter a word of the full truth without giving you the entire reason behind why Id be acting a certain way :) Youve done a significant amount that whenever I come to thinking about you its hard because I feel like I never did enough to give back all of the love you gave me. --- Sofia Von Hauske- Emilys class didnt make either of us happy. And I think our pain and suffering brought us together- A genuine, beautiful girl from Mexico that has put up with my childish behavior.. allowed me to go to weekly dinners with you in the west village and meat packing district all of the time. Taylor, you too with our little dates. My close ties in CT I knew you for a few years but until this year Ive really opened up to you and the conversations/times weve had have made me 10000.5 % more confident/joyful. Longtime pals ; youre there from the beginning and know straight away where Im coming from. Recent friends, youve taught me more about friendship and what it means to stick. Shayne and Samantha I cant describe how much I miss you guys. Though were a distance away, no mileage can separate us. Perhaps someone could say theyre all annoyed with me complimenting my good friends but isnt that what youre supposed to do? Special people get special recognition. Yall can find me frolicking in the Montana mountains next year !!!! Im always thinking of you guys. Always.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 05:50:25 +0000

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