Finding Like Minded Survivalist or Prepper Friends Many readers - TopicsExpress


Finding Like Minded Survivalist or Prepper Friends Many readers have asked “where or how do I find like-minded folks to form a survival group to help “man” our retreat?” Unfortunately, I’ve known of several survival groups that are no longer together. In most cases they dissolved due to a lack of funds, seriousness of members and infighting. It’s been my experience that most groups fail within the first two years. People just can’t get along, no matter the need-at least not for long. But I’m sure there are exceptions… The successful survival groups are the ones we never hear about. It’s my belief, that those who make it through the collapse will be those who meld into their surroundings, avoiding becoming a target. Remember a fight avoided is a fight won. Having a large group can thwart this necessary blending. It is my contention, that groups should be kept as small as possible while allowing for a complementary skill set within the group. Finding people with complementary skills, beliefs and interests who can form a group and work together for the long haul can seem impossible and in some cases it my be. Yet, no man is an island. Finding the right survivalist friends could mean the difference between a long life or a quick demise. Several readers have questioned my fortitude for living alone in the backwoods. What they don’t understand is, that I live alone, but I’m not alone. Let me explain. I have friends and family in the area (the only reason I stay) who will help me if I need it. They form a survival group, naturally without even knowing it. Take a look at your situation, family and friends – would they be there for you and each other when the balloon goes up? What are their skills? What do they have to offer? Will they work together? If the answers to the above questions are negative, than you need to look elsewhere for support. But where do you look. And, perhaps more importantly, how do you do it without drawing attention to yourself or inviting danger into your retreat. Consider looking into: Churches with similar religious convictions to your own. Hunting clubs. Gun clubs. Garden clubs. First Aid & CPR class attendees. Those attending self-defense classes or seminars. I’m sure you can think of other possibilities, but you get the idea (please share your ideas in the comments below). Starting your own related club, as a ruse to attract like-minded people for an initial “feeling-out” process isn’t out of the question. Even if you don’t find a worthy candidate you’ll at least have gotten off the couch. I know a former Army ranger who offered free wilderness survival classes as a ruse when building his survival group. They would spend a weekend out in the woods learning various outdoor survival techniques. While he would secretly evaluate each as a potential member for his survival group. Often finding potential survivalist friends is as simple as networking, after all you can’t expect them to find you. You have to get “out there.” Obviously you don’t want to blurt to everyone you meet about your survival plans. Even those whom at first seem likely candidates, maybe the opposite of what you’re looking for when you pry below the surface. It’s best to start slow, keeping your options open. Act like you are just as unprepared as everyone else, but concerned about the future and recent disasters. Say you would like to be better prepared for such an event but you don’t know where to start. Maybe they’ll start giving you advice. Listen closely. If the advice is sound you may have hit the pay-dirt. Informally talking about your fears and concerns may open up the conversation, but still be very careful with whom your share information. Trust should be built over time and that trust should be earned not given. You don’t want to give your secrets to a government snitch or future raider. And no matter what, or how much you’re offered, never do anything illegal if asked. Remember Randy Weaver? Have advice for finding survivalist friends please share in the comments below….
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:26:25 +0000

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