Flame Princess is the princess and ruler of the Fire Kingdom, as - TopicsExpress


Flame Princess is the princess and ruler of the Fire Kingdom, as well as Finns ex-girlfriend. When Jake asks Flambo if he knows any princesses Finns age so he can fix his broken heart, he introduces Jake to Flame Princess. Flame Princess was locked away in a lantern in the main chamber of the Fire Kingdom when Jake first encounters her. It is later revealed that her father, the Flame King, put her there on Princess Bubblegums advice when she was an infant, and she did not come out for 14 years. She has a short temper, trust issues, and a heat core that can destroy the world if overblown with emotions. She is also newly close friends with Cinnamon Bun. Contents[show] Biography Baby FP As an infant, Flame Princess was chaotic and free spirited - she was even stated and proven to be more powerful than her father as a baby. However her father Flame King did not want a daughter more powerful than him and left her to wander into the outside world to perish, before she wandered off into a nearby forest and burned it down while laughing and running around like a fireball. Reaching the Candy Kingdom, Princess Bubblegum saw the flaming baby and prepared herself to bring her back to the Fire Kingdom. Once there, Bubblegum told Flame King to keep his baby under control or she will do it herself - but he denies Flame Princess as his daughter. Princess Bubblegum knows better and insists he take her back. After some arguing, they come to an agreement and decide to trap the royal baby in a giant lantern for the rest of her life, to grow up watching the horrors of the Fire Kingdom. However she seems to have been friends and grew up talking to Flambo through her lantern. FBisfree It was not until fourteen years later in Incendium when she was allowed to be released by her father after Flambo finds her a boyfriend. It is believed that Flame Princess was a handful as a kid despite growing up in a lantern since Flame King described her as totally evil and destructive. Even so, she was only released because he believed that Prince Finn was a cold blooded killer who would suit his daughter perfectly. After leaving the Fire Kingdom to be with Finn the Human hero, she resided in the grasslands inside a fire hut - no longer wanting to be influenced by the evil of her kingdom. S4e16 FP Falling to the core Flame Princess discovers that her emotions are unstable and can destroy the world in Burning Low when Princess Bubblegum tries to stop her from kissing Finn due to the burst of intense romance. Finn and Flame Princess, on the other hand, want to become more physical in their relationship. After learning the dangers, Finn refuses to care and takes the risk for his new girl - almost resulting in Ooos core exploding. This near total-fatal event strengthened the bond between the couple and made Flame Princess more aware and cautious of her emotions and elemental powers - however she still does not understand how to control them. S5 e12 Flame King interupting FPs card game Meanwhile, Flame King believed his daughter was pure evil and had intentions to drag her down again. Once he found Flame Princess new home and began haunting her with evil whispers, she was frightened and feared that she was truly evil and could not fight her blood. She kept this to herself for awhile until she finally came clean to Finn, so he took her on a quest of heroes to prove to her she is not evil and shift her alignment to good. This made her happy and no longer scared of her past or her family, as she was good at heart. She begins having dinners with the less evil side of her family and occasionally her father, as well as regular adventures with Finn and Jake. Flame Princess in the Ice Kingdom Flame Princess destroys the Ice Kingdom.As her relationship with Finn played out, they began going on dates and picnics. One of these picnics were interrupted when a fight between Flame Princess and a passing-by Ice King breaks out, causing Finn to have a strange dream. Realizing the fight is what caused the dream, Finn caused another fight by writing both Flame Princess and Ice King a rude letter from the other. Although he had the dream again, Cosmic Owl appeared and told him that You (He) blew it. This confirms that Flame Princess is indeed important and has an unknown special link to Ice King and the Cosmic Owl. Waking up from the dream and discovering that Flame Princess has destroyed the Ice Kingdom and nearly killed Ice King, Finn stops the fight and confesses he was the one who wrote the letters because he needed to see the dream again and learn what it meant. Flame Princess was hurt and ignored her boyfriends explanation, ranting on that her letter included personal things that he used against her. She then breaks up with Finn and runs off into the sunset in confusion. Spying After her break up with Finn, Flame Princess had trouble controlling her emotions again, claiming she does not want to feel that way and Princess Bubblegum observes her. Not remembering that Bubblegum was the one who locked her away as a child, Flame Princess befriends the fellow princess and allows her to run test on her so she can understand herself better. While talking to Cinnamon Bun when Princess Bubblegum leaves Flame Princess unattended, he tells her that Bubblegum is evil. The fire princess is shocked and questions him, so he reminds her that when she locked her in the lantern as a child that was pretty evil. Flame Princess then has a flashback and remembers what Bubblegum and Flame King did to her, recalling why she grew up in a lantern in the first place. She then has an outburst after discovering the betrayal of another friend, screaming Is everyone hiding something?! The princess then sets off, back to her kingdom for the first time since she left it behind her. Vlcsnap-2013-09-03-17h43m07s144 Neo-Flame KingAfter returning home, Flame Princess realizes she is more powerful than her father and overthrows him - putting him into the lantern where he trapped her during her past life and becoming the new ruler of the Fire Kingdom. She brings her only true friend Cinnamon Bun with her as he leaves his Candy Kingdom days behind to become the princess new servant. Flame Princess claims she will not be sucked back into the evil, and she makes the new rule of the Fire Kingdom honesty. When Bubblegum learns that Flame Princess and Cinnamon Bun left she was outraged and went with Finn to track them down to the kingdom. Flame Princess tells them that she overthrew her father, to enact a new regime of honesty within the Fire Kingdom. Stating that her place is in ruling the weak and vicious fire people, Flame Princess tells Finn they are no longer going out; however, Flame Princess adds that she and Finn can still be friends. It is unknown where her standing on Princess Bubblegum is, or how she intends to proceed with her relationship with her father, but Flame Princess seems to be calm and at peace with herself while figuring out who she really is in her heart. Personality and traits Flame Princess has a volatile personality; she usually has a calm demeanor, though with rather frequent tendencies to sudden and violent mood swings. She is described as passionate by Finn, evil by the Flame King, and intense by Pendleton Ward.[1] The Flame King also remarks that she is difficult to control. She seems to be very sensitive and quick to judge. She is also prone to unprovoked fits of aggression, as shown when she throws fireballs at her subjects just for whispering. Flame Princess is also impressionable in a positive way. She is very happy when Finn calls her beautiful. She was also interested when Jake was giving her gifts in the episode Incendium and excited when her dad let her date Prince Finn, though this excitement quickly turns to anger when Prince Finn rejects her. In the episode Hot to the Touch, Flame Princess shows curiosity about her new surroundings by examining flowers. This sets them on fire and she seems a bit surprised by the reaction, indicating she does not know much about lands other than the Fire Kingdom. At the end of the same episode, she shows that she likes Finn, but thinks that they cannot be together because they are opposite elementals, calling Finn a Water Elemental because of the tear that she felt from him. In Burning Low, she seems to be calmer and able to handle a part of her flame being doused. This is illustrated when Finn jumps into the water while his foot is on fire, but she does not visibly react. This was also shown in Vault of Bones when Finn tossed a lit torch in the water, she does not show any signs of pain even though it was her who lit it. That may be due to Finn and Flame Princess getting used to each other. In King Worm, an introduction to Flame Princess impatience is made when Finn refuses to have the soup that she was offering him. She instantly orders him to eat it now! in response to Finn telling her to wait. In Vault of Bones, Flame Princess is shown to still have a desire to be destructive, even though she says shell only destroy evil things. Flame Princess impatience is also made known, getting bored whilst Finn was searching around in the Vault. In Jake Suit, she is seen calmer and able to control her anger well, even though Jake, who is controlling Finn, embarrassed him in front of her less evil family by making him dance his Baby Finn song. When she figured out the bet, she should have shouted at him, instead she thinks it is pretty hardcore of Jake to do that, then she wishes Finn good luck. In Frost & Fire, she dislikes it when someone insults her relationship with Finn, shown when she battles Ice King because of the letter she thought sent by him. It is proved in this episode that she can lower her anger levels even more, which is seen when she did not rage at Finn for hurting her feelings when he admitted he wrote the forged letter. However, she was heartbroken at this fact. Abilities Flame Princess Fire Sword Flame Sword Being a fire elemental, Flame Princess is able to conjure up flames at will, transform other citizens of the Fire Kingdom into Flambits, transform into a larger, more dangerous form composed purely of fire, hurl fireballs that can vary in size, and separate her body into distinctly separate groups of flames (shown when she ambushes Finn in Hot to the Touch.) She appears to be able to consciously extinguish fire she has created; she does this when she notices Finn crying. She can also float and move very quickly, both of which leave a trail of flames. Her weakness is water, shown after unintentionally setting off some of Princess Bubblegums liquid pyrotechnics and when she puts her hand into a pond. The liquid pyrotechnics caused her to become unconscious, and touching the water in the pool caused her pain. The fires that Flame Princess makes are a part of her, and stomping on or dousing the fire hurts her. Although in Burning Low Finn puts out a fire on his leg without harming her. She also has a partial weakness in ice, shown after their second battle with the Ice King. She is physically unstable. If her elemental matrix is exposed to extreme romance, she would burn through the Earths crust and set off a series of reactions, causing a meltdown that would burn up the planet from the inside. This reaction was started when Finn kissed her in Burning Low, but the crisis was averted. She can use her fingers to unleash small blasts of fire and throw disks of fire as seen in Ignition Point. JakesuitP10 Flame Princess house She can emit a continuous flamethrower from her hands, but the length of time she can sustain it is debatable. She has a Scatter Fire ability, in which she emits four manipulable bolts of fire. She can also make a Flame Sword, in which she concentrates an isolated flame, extending from her arm, that is intense enough to glow blue. Immediately following that, she used a Dash ability that sent massive pieces of shrapnel from a steel door (which she had just cleaved into four pieces) in all directions, as seen in Vault of Bones. Also in the episode, she uses Heat Sense to sense that a tree is not made of wood. She does not leave a fire trail when she walks now, and she says she is a 42 (out of 100) at sending very weak, controlled bolts of fire. This indicates that she has gained considerable control over her abilities since Burning Low, as seen in Vault of Bones. Vlcsnap-2013-09-04-19h37m55s187 Flame Princess healing Cinnamon Buns leg. She has full manipulation of her body, morphing it into asymmetrical flames at will. Her father also has this ability, and it may be the norm among fire elementals this is shown when she first steps into her new house. She shows the ability to heal when healing Cinnamon Bun, as seen in Earth & Water. Although, she could just be melting the area around the wound back into place or cooking his skin to make it brown again, as she is made of fire and Cinnamon Bun is made of a dough substance. Relationships Relatives Flame King S4E22 SS 38 Evil, evil, evil -Flame King Her father, the Flame King, understands his own daughter as evil, having said so during Incendium even in introducing her to Finn (Jake molding part of his body into a Finn-shape) when they first meet. In Ignition Point Flame Princess admits to hating that her father locked her away in the lantern for all these years and thus refuses to go back to Fire Kingdom after she finally leaves it behind when meeting Finn. However, Flame Kings concept of his daughter being evil is merely a factor of all Fire Kingdom citizens being evil and traitorous to one another, with him believing her like others yet with physical instability that would cause harm to anyone around her. He slightly could believe his daughter could gain a good alignment if she hung around people like Finn, but he does not know if it could work due to Flame Princess fiery nature. He later attempts to send subliminal messages to her while she sleeps by saying evil, but it quickly stops when Flame Princess wakes up and sees this, leaving her shocked. He does so again at the start of Vault of Bones but stops upon realizing that she is not alone, causing Finn to look for a way to counteract his influence. In Earth & Water, when Flame Princess was born, Flame King feared she would become so powerful that she would overthrow him. So he had one of his servants to take her to the woods for her to perish. However, the servant took pity on her and gave her to a woodsman, but she wandered around and proceeded to burn the woodsman house and the surrounding forest. She was found by Princess Bubblegum, who brought her back to her father, where the Princess demanded he control his daughter. So, he locked her in a oil lamp-like cage. When Flame Princess discovered this, she and Cinnamon Bun went to the Fire Kingdom, overthrew her father, and locked him in the same cage she was once in. Siblings Fps family Flame Princess Less Evil Family Members Flame Princess has two unnamed younger brothers and one unnamed older brother serving in the military. Extended family Flame Princess has two cousins, Furnius and Torcho, who hate her father because he killed their father in order to take over the Fire Kingdom. She also has an aunt and uncle who are very judgmental. Friends Jake Busted FP knowing Jakes controlling Finns body Jake enters the Fire Kingdom to court Flame Princess on behalf of Finn, who is feeling heartbroken after having been pushed away by his previous love interest, Princess Bubblegum. Jake sings her a song and accidentally kills her fathers jester by spilling water on him, both of which she apparently enjoyed; however, she does not react much when Prince Finn kills Jake. In Burning Low, Jake does not interact much with Flame Princess but they seem to be friends and Jake has approved of her; he even helps Finn in courting her with a poem. In Ignition Point, they interact much more and they seem to be comfortable with each other; it was Jake who suggested going to the Fire Kingdom to get her the scented candles. Jake seems glad to see Finn happy with Flame Princess, as he was the one to seek her after Finn was rejected by Princess Bubblegum. Jake also keeps his distance when Finn and Flame Princess are together, as shown in Burning Low when Finn asks Jake if he wants to check out Flame Princess new house and he politely refuses and tells them to go ahead. Also in Vault of Bones, while Flame Princess and Finn are playing cards, Jake offers them chamomile tea to show his support of their relationship. In Jake Suit, Flame Princess thinks it was pretty hardcore of Finn for enduring Jake controlling Finns body and embarrassing him in front of her and her less-evil family members by being semi-naked and singing the Baby Finn Song. Cinnamon Bun S5 E32 FP and CB In Earth & Water, when Flame Princess submitted herself to experiments by Princess Bubblegum to control her emotions, Princess Bubblegum had to leave to help Finn and Jake so she had no choice but to put Cinnamon Bun in charge of the experiment. However, he brought Flame Princess to his house to talk. Liking his honesty and after recalling that it was Princess Bubblegum who had her father put her in the cage where she spent her childhood, they both went to the Fire Kingdom and overthrew the Flame King and enacted a policy where lies were not allowed. Love interest Please see Forum:Finns relationships (Flame Princess), to discuss and propose alterations for the Love Interest section. Finn Flame Princess does not actually meet Finn in person until the very end of Incendium. After she is doused with liquid pyrotechnics, she unconsciously falls off the roof of the Tree Fort. Finn catches her as she is falling and brings her inside. She regains consciousness and angrily asks Finn why he does not like her; Finn replies that he does like her, which causes her to blush in surprise. Confused by Finns apparent fickleness, she slaps him and warns him never to mess with her again—unaware that Jake was the original Prince Finn. Incendium Finn meets Flame Princess in Incendium. In Hot to the Touch, Finn wanders into the woods to search for the Princess, after asking Jake about her and saying he really likes her. When Finn finds Flame Princess he watches her from a bush at first, calling her innocent like the steam off a puppys nose searching for ham in the snow and a cute little flower. She touches a pool of water, hurting herself, and Finn jumps out from the bush to her aid. He then tells her that he was worried about her and thinks that she is beautiful. This causes her to glow, causing some fire to spread around Finn and herself. Finn puts out the fires in a panic which causes her pain, causing Flame Princess to believe that Finn is intentionally hurting her. She leaves in a huff without allowing Finn a chance to explain, not listening to his claims that he was not trying to hurt her. FinnxFP Finn and Flame Princess first kiss After a brief chase, she concludes Finn is trying to impede her, so she decides to turn the Grass Lands into her own fire kingdom. She begins by heading for Goblin Kingdom to set it and its citizens on fire. Finn and Jake attempt to stop her with Robo suits made by Neptr, but Finn only attempts to talk her out of it rather than put out her fires. When Finn realizes he cannot make her understand his feelings, he tears a hole in his robo suit and cries wishing he could just like a girl. One of his tears falls onto the flames as she is walking away from him, causing her to turn around and witness him crying. She becomes convinced that he is a Water Elemental, saying that all he does is cry and cry all the time. She comes to the conclusion that they are opposite elementals and that even if they like each other, they would hurt each other. However, Finn suggests that they try to make it work and that he can take it. She seems happy that he would want to defy nature for her, and both lean in to hug one another. As they hug, Finn gets burned and pushes her away. She looks at him appearing unsure, and then leaves saying, Bye, Finn. In Burning Low, she and Finn are dating. Finn helps her build a new house in the Grass Lands out of wood scraps, and she tells him that she loves it. Her flames trail over to Finns foot and he is surprised to realize that it does not hurt as bad as it used to; though, once the flames crawl up his leg he screams in pain and jumps into the water. Once he is out of the water, Finn and Flame Princess hug; although, Finn has to wear many layers of tinfoil to protect himself. While walking home, Finn asks Jake for advice about dating, to which Jake explains the concept of tiers and tells Finn that he should move on to Tier 2, which is kissing. Later in the episode, Finn goes on a date with Flame Princess off-screen and tells Jake that he was not able to kiss her yet (though he got 5 hugs), so he is still on Tier 1. Jake advises Finn to write a poem for Flame Princess in order to move things along. Finn tries to think about Flame Princess qualities, and he ends up going outside and watching the sunrise, which gives him inspiration to write. He takes the finished poem over to Flame Princess new house and reads it to her. After he is done they stare into each others eyes and kiss. The kiss triggers a reaction and causes her to burn so hot that she melts through the ground. As she is falling, Finn grabs Jakes arm, ties it around himself and jumps down after her. Flame Princess reaction is halted by lack of oxygen, and when Finn catches up to her she is extinguished and passed out. Though nearly out of oxygen himself, Finn picks her up and tells that he needs her to be okay. He then gives her artificial respiration, which causes her to re-ignite (though Finn passes out from lack of oxygen). Jake pulls them out of the hole and both of them are all right (parts of Finns face are burned from the kiss). Finn picks up a rock and kisses it, then hands it to Flame Princess who kisses it as well. In King Worm, Flame Princess is feeding Finn (whom she calls honey) soup; first lovingly, then angrily when he hesitates (he was confused, having been with Princess Bubblegum as her king and husband seconds earlier). However, Finn soon discovers that he is in a dream and she is not the real Flame Princess. In Ignition Point, Finn and Jake travel to the Fire Kingdom to retrieve Flame Princess scented candles. While there, Finn finds out that Flame Princess is evil, but he seems pleased to know that she could possibly be turned to good. S5 E12 FP with Demon Sword Flame Princess saves Finn from a Giant Goo Skull. In Reign of Gunters, Finn takes the advice of a dating book called Mind Games and tries to act more mysterious. In Vault of Bones, she went to the Vault of Bones with Finn to prove to herself that she is good. After a Giant Goo Skull captures Finn, she rescues him and calls him her boyfriend for the first time. At first, Finn thought he was going to be burned alive because of how Flame Princess approached the Goo Skull, but after he is rescued, Flame Princess says she would never hurt her boyfriend. In Jake Suit, she invited Finn at her house to meet her less-evil family members. She totally did not even mind that he made a fool of himself once she found out it was because of a bet with Jake. She believes that Finn will win and cheers him on, giving him the support he needs to survive the final stretch of Jakes gauntlet. Flame Princess Frost and Fire I-I need some time alone! ...I need some time alone In Frost & Fire, Finn tries to get her and Ice King to fight by lying in order to complete his dream. This, however, leads to Finn attempting to apologize and to continue their relationship, but to no avail as Flame Princess leaves Finn saying I need some time alone. In Too Old, it is revealed Finn took Flame Princesss words the wrong way, and thought she had dumped him, and therefore made one last attempt at Princess Bubblegum. It failed as usual, and he told Jake he has to Patch things up with Flame Princess. So it is unknown if they got back together or not, as Jake ominously stated Flame Princess could have already replaced Finn with a new boyfriend. Tumblr msiu74RCPp1raqynpo1 1280 Finn and Flame Princess agreeing they can still be friends. In Earth & Water, Flame Princess overthrew Flame King and became the new ruler. When Finn tried to apologize to her, she accepted his apology. He asked her if they were still going out, she said no but they could still be friends and that he can come by anytime as long as he is completely honest with her. Neutral Princess Bubblegum Spying In All the Little People, little Flame Princess and little Princess Bubblegum fought over little Finn. Princess Bubblegum revealed to Jake in Burning Low that Flame Princess is unaware that she was the one who had the Flame King lock up his daughter in the lantern due to her physical instability. Princess Bubblegum knows, in great detail, about Flame Princesss elemental matrix, what extreme romance would do to it, and how to stop the resulting reaction. In Earth & Water, Flame Princess agrees with Princess Bubblegum to help her by creating a scientific model that described her complete elemental matrix, so she could isolate and suppress her violent feelings. After Cinnamon Bun asks Flame Princess why Princess Bubblegum put her into baby jail, saying that this was a weird friend thing, she finally realizes that it was Princess Bubblegums idea to lock her in a lantern while she was a baby. Ice King Vlcsnap-2013-08-07-17h48m46s47 Flame Princess and Ice King Fighting Before there had been any direct contact between Flame Princess and the Ice King it seemed that he knew her because he mentioned Flame Princess in I Remember You, probably from hearing about her from Finn and Jake. Flame Princess is one of the princesses that the Ice King calls okay. In Frost & Fire, she attacked the Ice King after he called her a weirdo for hugging a log. Later in the episode, Finn forged an insulting letter to make Flame Princess and Ice King fight again. The ensuing battle caused most of the Ice Kingdom to be destroyed. Appearance Flame Princess Wet2 Flame Princess in a doused stateTumblr mihdeqg30M1romazuo1 500 Flame Princess outfit in Vault of Bones Flame Princess has long orange-red hair about waist-length that is like fire and as such flows above her head. She has black eyes that sparkle white and yellow in the light of her fire. Her arms are also portrayed as thicker than the majority of characters. Her skin is yellow-orange and she usually wears a orange-red dress under a light orange surcoat with hot pink trimming. At first, she does not wear shoes, though her dress usually hides her feet from view. She has two diamond-shaped, red gems; one on her forehead and the other on the front of her dress. The red gem on her dress is shown to be a part of her dress and not her exemplified when Flame Princess had a different outfit on in Ignition Point. When her flames are doused, her skin changes to a pinkish-gray hue, and her hair falls down her back and becomes a dull shade of maroon. Once in dry conditions, she returns to her normal appearance quickly. When Flame Princess is deprived of oxygen she turns a light shade of blue, as seen in Burning Low. She is normally seen wearing clothes, mainly dresses, in all different shades of red with a gem on her forehead and her hair is seen up most of the time. In Ignition Point she is shown with her hair in two side-buns and she begins to wear shoes. The animatic also showed her wearing a choker, which was later removed. In Vault of Bones she has a strapless dress and her hair appears to be shorter than usually seen. In Earth & Water she wears a casual white dress with a peach-colored, short-sleeved surcoat, a hot pink sash and a pair of red boots that are about knee-length. Her hair was being worn down and was longer. During her flashback when she was a baby, she wear a red shirt and a rock diaper. Her hair was also shorter. Later in the episode, she wear a Flame King-like suit of armor and a crown that is similar to Flame Kings. Costumes and Disguises In the episode Ignition Point she was wearing side-buns and her hair was up in the back. She was wearing shoes and she had a clear layer on her dress. In the episode Vault of Bones her hair was shorter and being worn down and she had on a strapless dress that was shorter than her original dress and showed her feet. In the episode Earth & Water she wears a casual white dress with a peach-colored, short-sleeved surcoat, a hot pink sash and a pair of red boots that are about knee-length. Her hair is worn down and is longer. During her flashback when she was a baby, she wore a red shirt and a rock diaper. Her hair was also shorter. Later in the episode, she wears a Flame King-like suit of armor and a crown that is similar to Flame Kings. Quotes See Flame Princess/Quotes Episodes featured Major appearances Incendium Hot to the Touch Burning Low Ignition Point Vault of Bones Frost & Fire Earth & Water Minor appearances King Worm All the Little People (as a toy) Jake Suit Love Games (Pictured) Mentioned Reign of Gunters I Remember You Puhoy Too Old Love Games Dungeon Train The Pit Comic Issue 2 (Mentioned) Issue 4 (Non-speaking Cameo) Issue 7 (Non-speaking Cameo) Issue 10 (Mentioned) Issue 13 (Non-speaking Cameo) Issue 14 (Non-speaking Cameo) Issue 15 (Non-speaking Cameo) Adventure Time Vol. 1: Playing With Fire Trivia Pendleton Ward and the shows cast first introduced Flame Princess at Comic-Con 2011. Natasha Allegri has drawn Flame Prince, a gender-swapped version of Flame Princess, in her artwork, but he has yet to appear on the show. He has, however appeared in the mini comic that started in early January. Flame Princess is the only known princess to have invaded another kingdom by herself. In the original storyboard for Hot to the Touch, Flame Princess was supposed to kiss Finn; however, the idea was dropped and reused for Burning Low. When Flame Princess transforms into her larger form, her face resembles that of her father, the Flame King. She wears a different outfit and begins wearing footwear in Ignition Point., and wears another outfit with no footwear in Vault of Bones. She is different than the other flame people curiously, being that she can be completely wet and yet only be rendered unconscious at the most, instead of killed. She is one of the few flame people with a humanoid shaped body. She is apparently the only one with a human-like physical body (an example is her skin and hair behave like a humans) rather than one composed only of fire. Although it appears as if Flame Princess hair is made of fire, it does not disappear when she is extinguished or wet; instead it falls down to her back and behaves like normal hair. When in a doused state, her gems appear to turn a maroon color. She refers to Finn as her boyfriend in Vault of Bones and Finn refers to Flame Princess as his girlfriend in Puhoy. In Puhoy, Finn is briefly concerned that their relationship is over after Flame Princess did not get a joke he made, and ventures into a Pillow World where he lives through a lifetime with a pillow wife and pillow children. When he dies of old age in this world and returns to Ooo, he immediately gets a phone call from Flame Princess telling him she now gets the joke, and promptly forgets about his dream of the Pillow World. She is one of the two princesses who have ran away from home and lived out in the grasslands because they hated their parents and how they treated them. The other one is Lumpy Space Princess. However out of the two, only Lumpy Space Princess has reconciled with her parents. It may also noted that she is the third member of royalty that hated their father, along with Marceline and Lumpy Space Princess; however, Lumpy Space Princesss hate stretches to both her parents. In the episode Hot to the Touch It is proven that whenever Flame Princesss fires are put out, she gets hurt. However, in the episode Vault of Bones Finn threw a torch in the water that was lit with Flame Princesss fire and she did not show any pain. Also in the episode Burning Low Finn jumped in the water putting out fire that was on his foot that was caused by Flame Princess and she did not seem hurt at all. In Earth & Water she overthrows her father and becomes the new Flame King. It is unknown if Flame Princess will be shown again. References in other media There is a Pet Society costume of Flame Princess. Flame Princess stars in an Adventure Time original graphic novel, where she embarks on her first adventures with Finn and Jake. [2] Gallery Modelsheet flameprincess - firepalacecolor Modelsheet flameprincess withangryflames Modelsheet flameprincess - flamemode The full image gallery for Flame Princess may be viewed at Flame Princess/Gallery. References ↑ Video of Comic-Con panel. Skip to 8:20 for relevant question ↑ comicsalliance/2013/01/07/adventure-time-playing-with-fire-vol-1-ogn-boom-studios-announcement/#ixzz2HLUGgtdk [show] v • d • e Other characters [show] v • d • e Princesses Categories: Featured Characters Fire Kingdom Inhabitants Female Princesses Royalty Humanoids Main Characters Languages: EspañolРусскийPolski... see all > Advertisement | Your ad here Photos Add a Photo 29,664PHOTOS ON THIS WIKI See all photos See all photos > Recent Wiki Activity Grob Gob Glob Grod edited by Flambo the Epic Epic(; 1 hour ago Abraham Lincoln edited by SuperCp99 1 hour ago Green Lollipop Girl edited by That Magic Man 1 hour ago Little Buddy edited by That Magic Man 2 hours ago See more > Live! 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Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 09:29:35 +0000

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