Food for thought... I find it funny that folks who complain the - TopicsExpress


Food for thought... I find it funny that folks who complain the loudest about political posts and threaten to defriend people over them seem to be among those who post most of them. What youre *REALLY* saying is that youll defriend over political posts that disagree with your own politics. This makes you absolutely no better than Congress. If that offends you to the point where you want to defriend me, thats fine. You have that choice. But why dont we also break up with these politicians whose inability to get anything done, thereby forcing more executive orders, should be considered against my political views too? Im still your friend, even if we dont have the same political thoughts. If you stop speaking to every person whose political opinions differ from your own you will live a lonely life. We can agree to disagree, we can discuss the issue(s) intelligently, but Ill agree not to call you derogatory names and curse you out for your views as long as you afford me that same level of respect.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 03:02:55 +0000

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