For Addison County residents. Some suggestions of what to do if a - TopicsExpress


For Addison County residents. Some suggestions of what to do if a pet or pets go missing. (Not necessarily in this order.) 1) Look around your neighborhood and check with your neighbors. (Cats are especially prone to getting closed into sheds and garages, etc.) 2) If your town has a Front Porch Forum-post a note on there. 3) If your town has an ACO, notify them-especially for missing dogs. The shelter has contracts with all but 3 Towns in Addison County to bring found animals to the shelter. 4) Contact Homeward Bound by phone (388-1100) and report your missing animal or leave a message on the answering machine asking for someone to call you back. If you have a photo of your missing pet, a staff person will ask you to email them a copy of the photo. 5) If it is after hours, when the shelter is closed, you may also post a photo and information about your missing pet(s) in Messages on the right hand side of this page or in Posts to Page on the left hand side, about half way down. I monitor the page frequently seven days/week. If you are an Addison County resident, I will post any photos and information onto this FB timeline and ask folks to Share. You can list an email address for contact but it is much better to put down a phone number. 6) Go to Lost & Found Animals of Vermonts FB page and follow their instructions for posting photos and providing information about your lost pet. They reach throughout the State and many folks share. Good luck-Dogs are more easily found and turn up sooner. Cats may disappear for longer and may even show up several months later.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:58:01 +0000

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