Former military officer raises questions on Utharakhand coverage - TopicsExpress


Former military officer raises questions on Utharakhand coverage by media: Watching the reporting n the electronic media in the last few days about the calamity in Uttarkhand I was perturbed about what the media is trying to achieve. I may be wrong, but I doubt. I am giving below my thoughts for what they are worth. Both bouquets and Brickbats are welcome! WHY ? WHY? WHY? I am sick and tired of watching the reporting on the TV channels about the recent calamity in Uttarakhand. While appreciate the part of the ground reporters in venturing out there to bring us the realities visually risking their own lives and limbs, their masters sitting in studios or flying in under safer conditions dictate the reporting and the contents. While they are throwing some good questions, I am afraid that there are many questions which are untimely and few are plain stupid. The politicians are there to play politics.. but why are you as an anchor of powerful electronic media encouraging them to play it out by egging them on? These channels could have used that airtime more fruitfully by helping to give videos of those who are rescued or found alive on the ground. I am not defending anyone here. I am only expressing my views for what they are worth. People can judge for themselves. There is a channel lamenting about the relatives thronging the airport in Dehradun and not getting answers and criticizing the administration that they are not telling the relatives where their loved ones are in UK. In this massive tragedy, is there a possibility at this stage to do that? If the channel is so efficient why don’t they ask their own reporters on the ground zero to get that information and pass the same on to them. There is also talk about lack of coordination. Yes. It is a valid point. Synergy can be created only with close coordination. It does not come easily. It has to be built-in or there should be a strong leader who should assume charge and responsibility. (Remember Rudy, Mayor of New York 9/11!) While men in uniform have a natural tendency to come together in such situations irrespective of their Arm or Service, there is always a delay from others particularly the politicians. Not too far away in this is the media particularly the electronic media. Let me elaborate. The electronic media could have coordinated their effort in many ways such as… 1. Divided the responsibility area wise. – ABC to cover Badrinath, DEF to cover Kedarnath, XYZ to cover Dehradun, RST to gather and display information about injured and survivors being evacuated. Etc. They could have said that for the next so many days we will concentrate in this manner only and will not have any advertisement time. This requires that you people coordinate and show to the country and the world that you are genuine concern is for the affected people and NOT for TRP. Why can’t one channel take on the responsibility of providing complete data on a rolling basis on the survivors, their location etc. Another channel on the injured their location etc, another channel about the dead bodies recovered and their location for identification? 2. How many helicopters did electronic channels provide for the rescue operations? Why did YOU not coordinate with YOUR own bosses who have their own fleet of aircrafts and helicopters to be used for rescue operations? 3. Why did you not ask the Industrial bosses like Tatas, Birlas, Ambanis and other Giants to lend their aircrafts for this rescue operation? If you had asked what was the response? There are many such questions. The famous anchors of mainstream media who gloat after asking questions (which are untimely) should introspect whether they should be doing what they are doing at this time or think about helping the rescue and recovery and also rebuilding effort before they cash on the calamity. To say the least the reporting by the media and their choice of allotment of time and priorities to the importance of the news, and questions leaves one wonder whether they are also doing exactly the same as what they accuse the politicians of. That is making mileage of the calamity. Though much more can be said, this will sum up my feelings. Dear media Moguls, please do not be the VULTURES of any calamity particularly where innocent lives are involved. STOP ALL TALK SHOWS AND ENCOURAGING BLAME GAMES. SHOW THE REAL HUMAN SIDE OF YOURSEF. LET ME ASK SOME QUESTIONS. 1. HOW MANY HELICOPTERS ARE THERE WITH MEDIA PEOPLE? 2. HOWMANY HAVE THEY PROVIDED FOR RELIEF AND RESCUE? 3. HOW MANY HELICOPTERS ARE PRIVATELY OWNED? HOW MANY OF THEM WERE PROVIDED FOR THE RESCUE AND RELIEF OPERATIONS? (MIND YOU IN HARYANA THE BRIDEGROOM IS BROUGHT IN HELICOPTER!!) 4. HOW MANY HELICOPTERS ARE THERE WITH STATE GOVERNMENTS? WHY THEY HAVE NOT BEEN REQUISITIONED? 5. TODAY THE HOME MINISTER SAYS THAT THERE IS NO NEED TO DECLARE THIS AS NATIONAL CALAMITY. I THINK IT IS A NATIONAL CALAMITY THAT HE IS THE HOME MINISTER DURING THIS TIME. WHY DID THE MEDIA NOT ASK HIM THIS QUESTION? I LOVE THE MEDIA BOTH PRINT AND ELECTRONIC AND HAVE MANY GOOD FRIENDS WORKING THERE. BUT SOME HOW THERE SEEMS TO BE SOME DICTATE WHICH STRANGULATES THEIR VOICE AND ORIENTS TOWARDS PROFIT, PROFIT AND PROFIT. THAT IS SAD AND UNFORTUNATE!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 06:11:11 +0000

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