Fountains Devotional Monday September 9th, 2013 STUDY: Jeremiah - TopicsExpress


Fountains Devotional Monday September 9th, 2013 STUDY: Jeremiah 33:3. YOUR LEVEL OF VISITATION. Revelation 4:1b "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this". The last time some of us had an encounter with the Most High was when we gave our life to Jesus Christ, maybe the sermon that was preached or the zeal we demonstrated for a while after our salvation experience. The Most High is the God of again and again, His wisdom is pass finding out and His understanding is infinite. He revels Himself to us precepts by precepts according to our level of understanding per time. Apostle John said he was in the spirit and He saw the throne of the Most High, His glory and the arrangement. God want to take us to the depths of His ways and to have a good understanding of the kingdom we belong to. The depth of our understanding in God determines our altitude in life even in the ages to come. God is never stagnated there is something new about Him everyday and there is something new in His plan for our lives if only we will accept the invitation to go up to Him everyday. You shall not be grounded. KEY NOTE; Be sensitive and Keep your spirit ablaze always. If you are not born again pls repent today Pray: Lord Jesus forgive my sins wash me in your blood I accept you as my Lord and savior, write my name in the book of life in Jesus name. Share with your friends. 2347068894062. Like "Fountains" on FB Tweet: @fountains001
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 05:46:49 +0000

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