Fr. Marks Friday Reflection - One of the things I continue to - TopicsExpress


Fr. Marks Friday Reflection - One of the things I continue to discover is how often God shows himself in the little things of life. As I was preparing my homily for my nieces wedding I wanted to talk to them about something that they could relate to marriage. The bridegroom, Zach, has a wonderful talent for robot building that my niece, Diana, shares with him and it was apropos because they used a robot to bring their wedding rings into the church. In my preparation I tried to discover how “robots” were like marital love… Marital love can be very difficult at times. The romantic part when both husband and wife are on the same page, feeling the same feelings and in sync with one another is a great blessing but we know that isn’t always the case. We know that the foundations of marital love are built on communication and forgiveness, a forgiveness that is discovered again and again through God’s forgiveness and reconciliation found through our relationship with Jesus and with those in our life. Robots are a lot like this. Some robots have two motors that drive the different wheels or tracks. It takes patience and incredible talent to balance and match both drives so that the robot is able to move forward in the direction desired. Even when there is a perfect balance between the two there is a need for constant care and adjustments to keep the balance going. The driver can at times adjust for the imbalance on the run but eventually a time of maintenance needs to happen for the robot to be in balance once more. All marriages have two people who drive forward connected in the bond of sacramental love and grace. At times they are going in the same direction. During their courtship, the man and woman, take time and patience to get to know and understand, to be in sync with their beloved. Even when this balance is discovered it takes incredible acts of love and grace to move forward in the same direction with the same goal. With love and grace, even when the husband and wife are not completely in sync, they are able to drive forward, perhaps a little wobbly, but forward. Yet at times they need to park their sacramental love in the quiet of the workshop and tenderly and carefully heal and renew the motors to regain and balance their relationship. The constant care and work of all relationships, especially the sacramental relationship of husband and wife, takes constant care and work made holy through the invitation of God to rest in him. Let us pray for holy and happy marriages. God Bless, Fr. Mark
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:19:41 +0000

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