Frank Jenkinsposted toAmerican Underground Journalistic FORUM 4 - TopicsExpress


Frank Jenkinsposted toAmerican Underground Journalistic FORUM 4 hours ago · This Article was Sent to my Timeline ... What do you Think ! Call to Action *** A Bold Plan *** Copy and Paste Share The point of conversion has ended the lines have been drawn and today we will not the move the line back yet again, that we agree to stand united, to put aside our petty differences, to make a choice to believe in each other, and today we stand united as one people, and declare the time has come to face the monsters at our door. This is not a political speech, or a dog and pony show, or any of more this American idol nonsense, let me state this for the record my name is Jerry Odom but this is irrelevant only the message matters, I do represent liberty, what I will do is lead in this time when we need it most. So I repeat this is not a political speech its directive and mandate is to restore our liberty and freedom passed on to us by our founders, so we may has something left to pass to our children, other than debt and failed policies to do this we action not mere words so there is direct expected outcome of this announcement. Furthermore I stood by and watch the state of our nation decline, there is too much unneeded preventable suffering caused by those who claim love America, while changing it into a socialist state, and that must stop. This is message is to all who love the idea of freedom, this message no’s race or boundary based on color of one skin, economic status or origin, I am not concern with your party affiliation, religious or group affiliation, this message transcends it all that, this is message is for every person loves the idea of freedom and are willing to stand in defense of it. I hear there is lot of talk about how great America is, I want point out this fact. America is not great just because we say it is, we are great because of what we DO and have done and what we have inspired generations to achieve, by proving that when you unleash the power of freedom combined with innovation, the sky is the limit, we dared to dream big and were rewarded for it based on our own efforts, thats why we are great, nowhere else has that been the case. So to that fact when people talk about American greatness remember all that has been done and will be done. As we look to our amazing history in 1776 colonist early Americans stood against the world’s largest, the best trained, most experienced, battle tested army in the world at the time, those colonist went on to defeat this massive force. In the name of freedom, then as new nation, we fought an invasion by the British again, fought against a hostile neighbor and, then in we fought again to preserve the ideas we fought for in 1776 against our self’s in the name of Freedom. But there so much more America fought fascism, socialism, communism around the world in 2 world wars and won. These forces now defeated but not gone, Knew they could never win in a frontal assault on America itself. And these forces that we have fought against on so many occasions around the globe embarked on new plan a slow piece-by-piece campaign of dismantling the greatest freedom mankind has ever known, today these forces have had great success right in here at home in 2008 and into 2012. However, we have the historical record on our side and experience, in addition, many of us have realized this evil plan to infect our nation again with the deadliest of cancers. The have infected our founding principles, family’s values, our faith, our schools, our elected officials, our courts, and even our presidency. They subverted the rule of law, granted amnesty, made false promises and so much more, therefore they are removing our freedoms; while demonizing the defenders of freedom, they seek to disarm the citizenry and even remove the freedom of speech, so they can control the conversions. Just like in 1938 and many other times in human history via lies, demonization and propaganda. So the bottom line is that America we love is under siege, not by foreign enemy on a foreign beach, but within our own shores by a powerful minority of the progressive left who seems to be joining forces with the likes of Radical Muslims. Let’s be clear for a change, this is not a Republican or Democrat thing, these ideas our shrouded in a cloak of deceit and deception wrapped in party affiliation, it does not matter, it’s only a means to end to give us the illusion of choice. Now the progressive left that’s just a term they invented to cloud the reality, and the reality is simple one the progressive and liberal left is nothing more than unholy alliance of socialist, communist, Muslims and Marxist’s packaged to appear to be softer more gentler version of pure evil or in this case a infectious diseases spreading to through the very fabric of our nation, a cancer if you will, a cancer no matter how you repackage it. Let me emphasize this point yet again this infection or cancer that is driving American down a dark path. Using and an ideology that has not worked anywhere else in the world, in any time in human history, in fact has sent many nations to early grave as evident even today in Europe. These very ideas are counterproductive to Freedom itself, therefore against the very fabric and the ideas of the foundation of “America” a nation conceived and rooted the ideas liberty and we will not surrender to the forces that will impose utopian tyranny upon us. So with that being said, how do think we should and will respond to this grave threat, given our history and knowledge of it. Will we just lay down accept it, or will do what we have always done. Since fairness is big with talking point for the left, hear this: Attention to all progressive, liberal left or whatever name you prefer to be called these days, the truth has been exposed, and you here by served notice. This is no middle ground here either your part of this infection or you’re part of the cure. Understand this you are threat to our national security, hands down the greatest threat we have ever faced, along with anyone who spreads this vial cancer, just to be clear so there is no misunderstanding this cancer no’s bounds, it has infected us at the core. Now is the time to stand up and say this has gone far enough, it’s time stand up for American values of independence, self-reliance. Realize that fear is choice and we must honor our families, our children and our homes with our courage once more. If you have supported this ideas and realized it was wrong we will welcome you back, everyone can makes mistakes, Realizing it makes you a better person and if not, you are the problem and American will never be American again and we will never be truly secure until we purge this cancer, not only do we need to defeat these socialist WE must drive them from our shores, to provide for the future security of this republic. So they have sent us a message via their actions, there words and here is our response: That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Your consent is hereby revoked, your authority is rescinded. The Plan … They Socialist/Communist are in control if the not clear to you know... You’re sleeping still... All this this talk, Talk and more Talk Maybe we should remember why we have the fourth of July in the first place. For those who want the wait and see approach, think about history and how that worked out for them in the past. As the enemy(s) at our gate grows stronger and stronger every day. They use of own monetary system against us, to purchase resources that some will undoubtedly use against its own people. Via threats of martial law - However this not fight they can win… logic and facts are simple in this case. “Behind every blade of grass if American with gun. “ Maybe most don’t think about it however faced with threat against their life, family and way of life the will act, but it will be uphill battle, without the correct planning. Most military won’t comply and fire on their brothers. And in reality we out number them 1000 to 1 at least. Then there is this concept Let them take the first shot and then ALL BETS ARE OFF. Or, We need them to draw first blood. this nonsense and is really about lake of real effort, planning and FEAR and has more to do with excuses and lake of honest internal reflection and some denial. And this will not won’t get our freedom back. Freedom that was hard fought in the first place. The line is always moving backwards, why, very soon we have nothing to retreat to, Tomorrow or the next day there will be a new line, and more liberty will be lost ... we always hear if they do x, we draw the line here. That’s all bunch of Bullshit, and if your offended by this thats part if the problem. Look at History. Going back to the Spartans, Romans then to revolutionary war and to the rise of the Nazi’s and today the rise massive push for communism right now. They already have drew first blood, and the bloodletting continues this shutdown has shown there real intent and how the really view the people of America. This is a march toward communism period. “Your grandchildren will live under communism” do you accept this or do you stand and say NO… They attack our liberty we fall back, they attacks our economy we fall back, they attack our faith, laws, are very identity as Americans we fall back... I think you get the message. And all you can say is Let them take the first shot and then ALL BETS ARE OFF. Or, We need them to draw first blood. that’s a total crap sandwich and you know it, why are some many willing to go overseas and fight for freedom, when we are losing right at home, we need you here now, the Americans of today are not our founders.. Prove me wrong I dare you... So honor us with your courage once again and stop the bullshit... This our land and the point conversion has ended the lines have been drawn and today we will not the move the line back yet again. Marches on DC are pointless. Unless there is a real goal. Freedom is not free. We should be rallying to center points make our presence known. We should vacate occupied states and reinforce Liberal/ Progressive/ Muslims / Socialist/Communist free zones. Can you just image that would be a game changer Yes it might be tough, however together I know we can do it. This is how they did it to us. Not one shot would be fired and we socially drive out the above mention via our combined efforts. That would take real courage… after all this is the home of the brave is it not… And overtime we will get back every square inch of our land. But we must stand now or risk losing it all. Direct result: The Plan… Freedom takes sacrifice! 1) Rally to all Center states or NE, SD, ND, MT, WY, KS, OK, TX, down the middle etc.... 2) Support each other Setup command, establish Safe zones for Americans for based on above concepts, Pool all of our resources, 3) it’s that simple if want to do it do it otherwise your just talking… if not the losses will be great.. Or you can take the small factions and try to hold the occupied states or stand united and combine resources. We already hold the center for the most part, Again we control the middle we control it all.. The direct expected outcome is to inspire and to Rally all Patriots, Patriots groups, members of Law enforcement, Military, III%ers, Oath keepers and all Militia to rise in defense of freedom once more, come to aide your republic, when Ben franklin said a republic if you can keep it, let your actions speak for you we want to keep it, no more talk, your country is asking for your help, to stand in the defense of it, our very freedom our very identity is at stake, we are calling you into service once again, that is the expected outcome, that you ride to every town every and tell every American that freedom is calling, it’s time to realize that greatness lives in each and every one of you. That this time we ask you one more time honor to us with you your courage once more, to deliver this solid unwavering message that this our land and So say in closing the point of conversion has ended the lines have been drawn and today we will not the move the line back yet again, that we agree to stand united, to put aside our petty differences, to make a choice to believe in each other, and today we stand united as one people, and declare the time has come to face the monsters at our door.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 05:20:02 +0000

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