Freos View: COMMUNITY CONSULTATION BEFORE SUNSET LEASE Next Wednesday Fremantle Council will consider to go ahead and sign a lease with Sunset Events for the most southern studio at J Shed. As reported here, Sunset Events wants to open a micro brewery for 1000 patrons on the site, with outdoor concerts for up to 1500 people. Many people, including J Shed artists, West End residents, and I, have expressed concern about the live outdoor music concerts, as we believe Arthur Head is not the right location for it. Local indigenous people also have expressed opposition to the proposal. So why is council going to debate a lease to Sunset Events before consulting with the community? Previous Arthur Head workshops did not suggest outdoor concerts and a large pub, but a small bar/cafe/wedding function centre. Would it not be more prudent, and respectful to the community, to have the community consultation first, before signing a lease that Sunset Events could regret to have signed, if their proposal is watered down to a point where it might not be seen as viable by them? The City of Fremantle should first make very clear what it is the community would accept for the site, before engaging in lease negotiations, because if a lease is agreed on we will be tied to Sunset Events and a pub, instead of looking for alternative and better options first. Council can not afford to have another skatepark debacle on their hands, where they decided it needed to be on the Esplanade, instead of first asking the community where it would have preferred the youth plaza. To sign a lease with Sunset Events before we have sorted out what exactly it is the community wants at J Shed is wrong and council needs to reconsider putting the lease on the agenda, as there are far too many issues about the proposal that are not acceptable to the community. Let’s sort out the preferred use of the studio before signing contracts with anyone. Roel Loopers (Posted in fremantle by freoview on November 22, 2013) LINK:freoview.wordpress/2013/11/22/community-consultation-before-sunset-lease/
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 03:44:24 +0000

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