Friends and relatives Cremation is an IRREVERSIBLE PROCESS. - TopicsExpress


Friends and relatives Cremation is an IRREVERSIBLE PROCESS. Okay, I realize that this is an obvious observation but I want to remind you of it nonetheless. A body that is interred in the ground can be exhumed at a later date but a cremated body cant be un-cremated. If there are any suspicions or other concerns about the Cause oF Death, make sure all Investigations are Completed -- perhaps even a second, family-sponsored autopsy -- before the body is cremated. My mother was missing from her home for quite a while. No calls, no notes, no letters, no emails and no warnings except an accusation by a sister who claimed an accomplice/an aunt who needed money was promised 20,000 and more in future as they would now be seriously connected to each other for planning a premeditated catastrophic maneuver, as a horrific nightmare presented to a sick mother and played out. Can you imagine a catholic mom who did not go to church being told by her nemisis...we are goig to cremate you...Barbara always called mom a her face only when Barb could not extract more money. My aunts got together in one place at a birthday they surprised me with. Somehow cremation entered the jolly conversation. Of course Auntie Lil is very vocal on this subject as was Auntie Carrie and my mother and Auntie Rose. Those were the attendees. Lil said, no f...king way. I want to be above ground. Carrie joined in adamantly agreed with the same comment. Rosie said something like ...Ill shoot anyone that trys to pull that on me. Margaret Trentadue said, Never. Carl is a Veteran and I will be proud to be with him at the veterans cemetery if we are welcome. It is beautiful and that will be our home. I want flowers on my grave. I want my kids to cry for I adored her when she said that because I loved her and I knew I would be the one to buy the flowers unless I stole them as a kid from other peoples sidewalks to give to my mom) Mom said, I am afraid of fire and no body better burn my body. Do ypu hear that Gracie... because I know you love mommy and would never allow it. And Gracie I want to live with you. Your homes are elegant like a movie star. The premeditated plans to hide the real reason my mother died and cremated is they didnt want authorities to see the Neglect is one. hit on head. sepsis in the artificial hip gone unnoticed, heart attack) I said ...over my dead body I will never let that happen on my watch with you or Daddy. I mean what I say. THese last four years with this greed and medacity Started with Barbara, Years later it became quite dramatic and sorrowful watching films involving that ritual with the American Indian and we all saw Braveheart with I believe Paulina. the model enshrouded in aqua cloth that was beautiful and heartbreaking when they set the flmaes the funeral prior... with Mel Gibson- and somehow touches us dramatically. But as God is my Witness my mother would never agree with a child that she suddenly knew hated her even if she remodeled the home to make her sign a document to fry her and keep us from putting flowers on her resting place. It really was not remodeled to please mom. Mary and Barbara had agreement to FLIP IT AND TAKE THE FUNDS BUT I got in the way so mom could stay in her home. You have to be greed ridden, and love money and hate your mother(another Lizzie Borden especially Barbara-you see I am the only one who knows their tricks through life but I was a kind sister and thought they would grow out of this devil behavior talking sweet to everyone like the witch with the poison apple on my beloved Uncle. I warned him. Greed, mendacity- so much to hide her and not to tell us she was ill, SUFFERING, TORTURED That she knew but couldnt move that she made the biggest mistake of her life to fall into the trap/undue-influence of Maryann and Barabas and Adrian Trentadue. Like what is his real name. And who is Barbara son real father. Two real upstanding citizens. I am not perfect but when it comes to my kids and my parents I call it like it is. The quiet girl wakes up like, the sleeping giant, per the Japanese in Pearl Harbor. I am that ilk. My sisters are like the lawyer said, gutter rats, thugs, mafia goons and chicken...... Adrian passes himself off as Dads son for benefits and credit cards just like they forged credit cards on me while I am in California_cards sent to Marys house.Regards to Providence hospital: Mary and Barbara telling the hospital to keep us from getting the records. They were going to keep mom but Maryann was adamant about getting mom alone back in that house with four people surrrounding( fear and Terror) her to finish unfinished business of putting Maryanns name on the land and her home. The next week today there is a for sale sign in a Hurry to get the cash for that home and run with it all.she wanted mom home... unlike ignoring that plea from my father who got a lethal injection and stayed in the morgue never going home. People lying and saying I wanted to sue my mom. How perposterous of these two wh......... I am devistated and I have an infected heart but I will fight them. This is hiding neglect , foul play, accident home a;lone lying to the judge saying she will do what grace does a 24 hour watch. No, they havent a clue except HEARING THAT CASH REGISTER RING. Older Cousins---you better tell Uncle Joe. Younger cousins are mesmerized that Mary and Barabas has all the land and money and cars. I earned mine. These two are the rotten crop mom had and they needed therapy. One sister was proud to say she killed a man and threw him out of a cab. Is it any wonder why I took my children far away from those two broads and not one Man wants them. No man wants to marry them. Because they are cruel and you dont get to see what I know. Dont placate them. Most of you are of superior character. Stay away from them. Death certificate made out in phony names. The Cremator said thatlater he checked and saw how they tried to make it appear it was not mommy. They used old Italian names. Come on guys, older is a cover-up to coceal the neglect, a fall, and overdose but we got in. DNA is known with cremation but cout orders will show the complications Mary ann tells everyone , of it was cancer,. She is thin like Auntie Lil. Mom wanted to be this like Carrie to stay healthy and live to 100. I was at that cemetery with my father. Barbara called me and nastily set me up and the aunts that if I came to see my pappa no one would come. I was less than 50 feet away shrouded with big hat the color of Uncle Steves Lavender suit Jacket. They were afraid I would reprimand them in Euology. Rosie my beloved cried a tear for him. Many laughs. Daddy was good and loved the Pulsinellis and they didnt deserve it because they bought into moms complaints of him being Cheao. Well. lucky for Mary and Barabas that he was cheap. Gracie got one pair of shoes a year and still loved them.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 08:35:32 +0000

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