Ladies, ladies! Sometimes here in NYC I run across a pick-up - TopicsExpress


Ladies, ladies! Sometimes here in NYC I run across a pick-up artist. Theyre quite hard to spot at first, but soon you get used to them and its fun to notice their methods. I happened to come across one today and I thought I would share the method for the benefit of all lady-kind: 1.) Seemingly-nice dude expresses interest in connecting with girl in some way, at some future point in time. (this is usually done by text message) 2.) Girl kindly thinks aww! She warmly expresses that she would be glad to connect with him in this way! I call this the love-gush moment. (It is in fact the moment he is watching for) 3.) Once dude knows that he has aroused the love-gush, he purposely does not respond. Meanwhile, girl is left hanging with her unfulfilled love-gush, wondering when will we connect? Wont that be nice! 4.) Girl waits for dude to reach out to initiate the connection he offered. It never happens. 5.) Girl feels poopy. (FYI folks this is the real goal - girl feeling poopy) After waiting patiently and confusedly for a while, girl finally reaches out to dude saying hey stranger! When will that nice connection-you-offered happen? Dude is purposely stone silent at this point, no response. 6.) Awhile later, after girl has been made to feel adequately poopy, dude pops up and says hey girl! I was so busy (or whatever excuse). But yes, lets connect soon! Girl suddenly brightens up, and another love-gush is then triggered. (This is important - the offer of a connection has been purposely and subconsciously ASSOCIATED with the love-gush. Female love-gushes are powerful things my friends! This method here is just a totally cold, calculating method of manipulating it.) 7.) Girl is then played like a fiddle according to guys wishes; he alternates between offering connections, arousing love-gushes, etc. Occasionally the girl is graced with actual face time from dude, at which point he will try to sleep with her or something. In any case all actions, connections, etc. take place 100% on guys terms. Isnt that interesting? I admit its fun to notice when it happens. Once you can see it being done, its a total piece of cake to shrug off (and to be grateful not to date this kind of man!). Oh NYC.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 01:15:05 +0000

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