Friends, please excuse this interruption to the ES page, but this - TopicsExpress


Friends, please excuse this interruption to the ES page, but this is the only way I know to deal with the situation effectively. It has been brought to my attention that some parties, who, at this point, shall remain nameless, think I am the admin for one of my favorite pages, Symphonic Seduction. I am not. I WISH I had half the eye for beauty and talent that SSs admin has. These misguided, misinformed individuals also think I created a new alternate profile in an effort to troll pages (as they do) and otherwise wreak havoc on one profile in particular by reporting it as false. Very simply, I AM NOT THE PROFILE YOU BELIEVE ME TO BE nor I do not engage, in that sort of pettiness. I have many friends in the world of role play and I have nothing but respect for them, and absolutely hate the fact that they, time and time again, lose their writing and their profiles because of jealousies or the FB police. I do not report. I have not reported the individual question, nor will I ever. Because, to be perfectly frank, I could give a flying f*ck what he and his group are doing. However, should they chose to take out an innocent persons profile, I will have no choice but to out them publicly and let their fans decide whether or not to continue to blindly follow a man whose time would be better spent writing. Please...govern yourselves accordingly. Once again, I apologize for this ugly interruption to my normally pretty page. ~ FS ~
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:00:12 +0000

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